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Now showing items 8975-8994 of 9252
Waiting for the deluge
(CSIR-NISCAIR, 1991)Evidences show that levels of the world's seas are gradually rising The article discusses the causes and effects of such a rise in the sea level on the earth The relation between increase in greenhouse gases and sea level ... -
Waning of plankton food web in the upstream region of the Cochin backwaters during the southwest monsoon
(CSIR-NISCAIR, 2015)Heterotrophic bacteria (0.2-2 µm), pico-phytoplankton (0.2-2 µm), nano-phytoplankton (2-20 µm), micro-phytoplankton (>20 µm), heterotrophic nanoflagellates (2-20 µm), and micro-zooplankton (20- 200 µm) present in the Cochin ... -
Warm northern tropical Indian Ocean strengthened the ocean circulation prior to the last glacial termination
(Elsevier, 2022)Modern observations and model simulations suggest a strong influence of tropical processes on high-latitudinal climate. The evidence of similar tropics-high latitude climate link during glacial termination is, however, ... -
Warm pool thermodynamics from the Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment (ARMEX)
(American Geophysical Union, 2008)Before the onset of the south Asian summer monsoon, sea surface temperature (SST) of the north Indian Ocean warms to 30-32 degrees C. Climatological mean mixed layer depth in spring (March-May) is 10-20 m, and net surface ... -
Was the large rectangular structure at Lothal (Harappan settlement) a 'Dockyard' or an 'Irrigation Tank'?
(Goa: National Institute of Oceanography, 1988) -
Was the Rann of Kachchh navigable during the Harappan times (Mid-Holocene)? An archaeological perspective
(Current Science Association, 2013)The Kachchh region, presently, is one of the difficul t areas in the Indian subcontinent for human settlement due to harsh climate, scanty rainfall and hence no scope for agriculture production. However, the region was ... -
Waste assimilative capacity of coastal waters along Mumbai mega city, west coast of India using MIKE-21 and WASP simulation models.
(WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, 2014)Coastal waters are the ultimate receivers of the organic waste materials generated by upstream cities and towns. This waste can cause dissolved oxygen depletion due to increased oxygen demand, affecting the natural ability ... -
Waste water Discharge and its effect on the Quality of Water of Mahim Creek and Bay
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1980)Coastal environment around Mahim was monitored to evaluate the effects of domestic and industrial waste water discharge in Mahim Creek, Maharashtra, India. Vertical salinity and DO gradient occasionally observed in the ... -
Waste water disposal in coastal waters
(Delhi: Rajesh Publications, 1985) -
Wastewater effluents and coastal marine environment of Bombay
(Bombay: NCML, 1985) -
Water and salt budget in the Azikode estuary during postmonsoon season
(CSIR-NISCAIR, 1987)Computed values of flux showed that seaward Eulerian residual flow of water was the major factor influencing the salt and water budget in the Azikode Estuary. Depth integrated residual flow was seaward at all depths. ... -
Water characteristics and transport of the Antarctic circumpolar current in the Indian Ocean
(Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1988)Geostrophic velocities are computed across meridians 37 degrees E and 105 degrees E using hydrographic data. The estimated mass transport is represented on a temperature - salinity diagram. The characteristics of the water ... -
Water characteristics, mixing and circulation in the Bay of Bengal during southwest monsoon
(Yale University, 1992)Influence of the freshwater influx, the wind forcing and the Indian Ocean monsoon drift current on the property distributions and the circulation in the Bay of Bengal during southwest monsoon has been quantified. At the ... -
Water column characteristics following the September 2004 stench event off southern Malabar coast
(NISCAIR, CSIR, 2007)An unusual stench emanated from the coastal waters of southwest coast of India during September 2004 associated with an algal bloom. Water samples collected from 14 stations from the affected area after three weeks of the ... -
Water Masses and General Hydrography along the West Coast of India during early March
(CSIR-NISCAIR, 1980)Structure of water masses along the west coast of India from Bombay to Trivandrum has been studied through vertical sections of temperature, salinity and density during 3-17 March 1977. The Arabian Sea high salinity water ... -
Water masses and property distribution in the EEZ of Mauritius
(Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, 1992)Water masses and their properties have been studied in the Mauritian during September-October, 1987. Surface water is characterizEd. by two water masses: 1) a warm (temp. 27 degrees C) and relatively saline water (salinity ... -
Water masses in the Gulf of Aden
(The Oceanographic Society of Japan, 2007)Hydrographic data collected from Gulf of Aden since 1920 have been compiled to identify and refine the definitions of water masses in the Gulf of Aden (GA) and to describe their spatio-temporal variability. Four water ... -
Water masses of Visakhapatnam shelf
(Indian Society for Physical Sciences of the Oceans, 1992)The T-S relationships of shelf waters off Visakhapatnam in the Bay of Bengal are studied for the different seasons with the data collected during February 1979 to January 1981. The T-S relationships indicate distinct ... -
Water quality and bacteriology in an aquaculture facility equipped with a new aeration system
(Springer, 2010)The HOBAS aeration system was tested to compare changes in environmental and bacteriological parameters in ponds growing Penaeus monodon during a single production cycle. The stocking density in the aerated pond was doubled ... -
Water quality assessment of Gautami-Godavari mangrove estuarine ecosystem of Andhra Pradesh, India during September 2001
(Indian Academy of Sciences, 2005)Some chemical and biological parameters were analysed at sixteen stations in the mangrove ecosystem, of the neighbouring Gautami-Godavari (GG) river estuary and Kakinada (KKD) bay to understand the present status of water ...