Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Biofilm diatom community structure: Influence of temporal and substratum variability
(Taylor and Francis, 2005)
Diatoms, which are early autotrophic colonisers, are an important constituent of the biofouling community in the marine environment. The effects of substratum and temporal variations on the fouling diatom community structure ...
Butyltins in water, biofilm, animals and sediments of the west coast of India
(Elsevier, 2004)
Biofilm, fish, oyster, mussel, clam, surface seawater, suspended particulate matter (SPM), and sediment samples were collected from marine and/or estuarine waters of the west coast of India. These samples were analysed for ...
Influence of bacterial exopolymers and the adult extract of Balanus amphitrite and Cthamalus sp. on cyprid metamorphosis of Balanus amphitrite
(US Office of Naval Research, 1997)
Settlement of barnacle, a major fouling organism is believed to be controlled to a great extent by substratum characteristics such as, presence of conspecific adults or "gregariousness" inducing factors. Exopolymers secreted ...
Ecology of ascidians in the macrofouling community of New Mangalore Port
Ascidians constitute a major component of macrofouling community at the New Mangalore Port during the premonsoon season (February-May). The presence of ascidians in these waters is being reported for the first time. Ascidian ...
Culturable epibacteria of the marine sponge Ircinia fusca: Temporal variations and their possible role in the epibacterial defense of the host
(Inter-Research, 2004)
The influence of environmental changes on the epibacterial population of the marine sponge Ircinia fusca (Carter) was evaluated by using a bacterial culture-based approach. Sponge surface-associated bacteria were isolated, ...
Mumbai harbour, India: Gateway for introduction of marine organisms
(Springer, 2010)
Ships have been identified as one of the important vectors in the translocation of organisms from one bioregion to another leading to bioinvasion. In this context, harbours serve as a gateway for the introduction of alien ...
Factors regulating the production of different inducers in Pseudomonas aeruginosa with reference to larval metamorphosis in Balanus amphitrite
(Inter-Research, 2002)
Gregarious settlement in barnacles has been related to the settlement-inducing compounds from adult conspecifics, bacteria in the biofilms, and their interaction. Elucidation of larval settlement cues from these sources ...
Accumulation of copper and zinc by balanus amphitrite in a tropical estuary
(Elsevier, 1988)
@iBalanus amphitrite@@ (Cirripedia: Thoracica) a dominant fouling organism was analysed to assess the accumulation potentialities of copper and zinc. It was observed that it could accumulate Cu to 864.77 mu g g-1 dry wt. ...
Marine sponges: a potential source of eco-friendly antifouling compounds
(US Office of Naval Research, 1997)
Antifouling protocols rely to a great extent on the application of paints or altering substratum characteristics. It has been evidence that commercial antifouling paints which are currently in use employ toxic biocides. ...
Quantification of diatoms in biofilms: Standardisation of methods
(Taylor and Francis, 2005)
Benthic diatoms, which often dominate marine biofilms are mostly pennate along with a few centric species that have an attached mode of life. Even though the range of diatoms in biofilms is diverse, their ecology is poorly ...