Now showing items 1-10 of 12
(Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, 2001)
Benthic organisms are sessile and sedentary in nature. True benthos can be divided into two groups - epifauna and infauna. They comprise major invertebrate phyla. Benthic organisms are separated into micro, meio, macro and ...
Response of meiofauna to immediate benthic disturbance in the Central Indian Ocean Basin
(Taylor and Francis, 2000)
Twenty-four stations (12 each, during pre- and postdisturbance studies) 5300 to 5330 m deep between 10 degrees 01 and 10 degrees 03'S latitude and between 75 degrees 59' and 76 degrees 02'E longitude were sampled to study ...
Community structure of meiobenthos from a tropical estuary
Meiofaunal samples were collected from 3 stations, located in the salinity gradient of Zuari Estuary of Goa. Spatially the abundance of meiofauna decreased from lower to upper reaches and followed the trend of salinity ...
Meiofauna of some sandy beaches of Andaman Islands
Comparatively high meiofauna numbers were recorded from beaches having fine sand particles than those having coarse to medium sand particles The fauna was dominated mainly by nematodes (53.7%), harpacticoids (13.7%) and ...
Distribution of Meiobenthos and Macrobenthos at the mouth of some Rivers of the East Coast of India
Distribution of meio- and macrobenthos of muddy bottom deposits at the mouth of Krishna, Godavari, Mahanadi and Hooghly rivers was studied from replicate sampling Total meiofauna ranged from 226 animals/4.5 cm super(2) to ...
Bottom Fauna of the Malacca Strait
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1981)
Bottom fauna of Malacca Strait (connecting the Indian Ocean with Pacific) in the depth range of 80 to 1350 m, is dominated by meiofauna which exceeds macrofauna by 12.5 times in weight and by more than 780 times in population ...
Benthos of the Shelf Region along the West Coast of India
Distribution and abundance of benthos in the depth range of 10-70 m were studied. A definite relationship was observed between benthic biomass, organic carbon, nature of substrata and demersal fish catch. Benthic biomass ...
Distribution of deep-sea benthos in the proposed mining area of Central Indian Basin
(Taylor and Francis, 2000)
During the first stage of the project work on the Indian Deep-Sea Environment Experiment (INDEX), the abundance and distribution of deep-sea benthos were surveyed in the Central Indian Basin for the collection of baseline ...
Seasonality in meiofaunal distribution on a tropical beach at Balramgari, northeast coast of India
Maximum density of meiofauna was recorded during the southwest monsoon season (June to September). The major part of the faunal group consisted of cladocerans (47%) followed by nematodes (15%) and harpacticoids (14%). None ...
Spatial variation in meiofaunal abundance of some coralline beaches of Mauritius
(International Society for Tropical Ecology, 1998)
Abundance of metazoan meiofauna was examined at 12 coralline sandy beaches of Mauritius island during September-October, 1987. Beach sediment comprised of moderately well sorted sand particles (Mz=0.53-2.80 phi ; x=1.70). ...