Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Benthic fauna of Ungwana Bay, Mombassa (Kenya) - A preliminary account
(Scientific Information Centre-PCSIR, 1987)
Studies on the benthic fauna of African waters have largely been limited to that of South Africa coast [3,5;7,9,15,18]. Although, the Mombassa Coast is considered importanat for the exploitation of fishery resources. Very ...
Macrofauna and meiofauna of two sandy beaches at Mombasa, Kenya
Macrofauna and meiofauna of 2 sandy beaches having medium and fine sand particles, respectively, were investigated, quantitatively Macrofauna density was highest around high water mark and progressively decreased towards ...
Meiobenthos of Saphala salt marsh, west coast of India
Benthic fauna of the salt marsh comprised 10 taxonomic groups, dominated by nematodes (63.9%), harpacticoids (18.5%), turbellaria (5.6%), crustacean nauplii (5.4%) and polychaetes (4.1%). The population density varied from ...
Meiofauna of some sandy beaches of Andaman Islands
Comparatively high meiofauna numbers were recorded from beaches having fine sand particles than those having coarse to medium sand particles The fauna was dominated mainly by nematodes (53.7%), harpacticoids (13.7%) and ...