Now showing items 1-10 of 61
Nitrogen transformations as inferred from the activities of key enzymes in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone
(Elsevier, 2006)
Vertical distributions of the potential activities of some key enzymes mediating nitrification and denitrification were investigated within the oxygen (O2) minimum zone of the Arabian Sea at a number of locations between ...
Vulnerability of semi-enclosed marine systems to environmental disturbances
(Island Press, 2009)
Semi-enclosed marine systems (SEMSs) are impacted on time scales ranging from the
very short (days or less) to the very long (decades and beyond) by many of the same forces and stresses as other components of the Earth ...
Enhancement of oceanic nitrous oxide emissions by storms
(Solas, 2008)
Oxygen deficiency in the North Indian Ocean
(Universidad de Concepción, 2006)
The Indian Ocean contains one of the oceans' most pronounced oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), which anolalously, is the most intene in the northwestern sector (Arabian Sea). It also contains the majority of the area of oceanic ...
Nitrous oxide emissions from the Arabian Sea: A synthesis
(European Geophysical Society, 2001)
High-resolution (1 degree x 1 degree longitude) seasonal and annual nitrous oxide (N sub(2) O) concentration fields for the Arabian Sea surface layer using a database containing more than 2400 values measured between ...
Air-sea interactions and exchanges
(JGOFS International Project Office, University of Bergen, Norway, 2002)
To support the idea that the Arabian Sea makes a significant contribution to biogeochemical ocean-atmosphere transfer processes, quantification of parameters such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, ammonia and ...
AoA Region: Red Sea And Gulf of Aden
(UNESCO/IOC, 2009)
The Red Sea and Gulf of Aden region includes nine countries, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen and contains the Red Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (LME).
Carbon cycling in the northern Arabian Sea during the northeast monsoon: Significance of salps
(Inter-Research, 2002)
Winter cooling and mixing brings nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) to the surface waters over large parts of the northern Arabian Sea, but the rates of primary production as well as carbon export from the euphotic zone are ...
Chemical oceanography
(Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, 2001)
Extremes in atmospheric forcing, asymmetrically distributed over the northern Indian Ocean, bring about exceptionally large hydrographical changes and produce a wide variety of ecosystems or biogeochemical provinces. While ...