Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Oxygen minimum seafloor ecological (mal) functioning
(Elsevier, 2011)
Although organic matter (OM) settling on the seafloor is generally rapidly recycled, a key ecological process, large scale burial events manifest itself in the marine sedimentary record as organic carbon (Corg)-rich layers. ...
Effect of oxygen manipulations on benthic foraminifera: A preliminary experiment
Three sediment cores were collected at 50 m water depth on the west coast of India, off Ratnagiri, and were subjected to oxygen manipulations maintaining natural temperature and salinity. The objective was to understand ...
Relict benthic foraminifera in surface sediments off central east coast of India as indicator of sea level changes
An attempt has been made to reconstruct sea level variations along the central east coast of India during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. A total of 39 surface sediment samples collected from water depth range of ...
Relict faunal testimony for sea-level fluctuations off Myanmar (Burma)
(The Palaeonlological Society of India, 2008)
The distribution and ecological significance of the relict benthic foraminiferal assemblage found in the study area off Myanmar is discussed here. Of the 126 surface sediments studied for foraminiferal content, relict ...
Foraminifera in surface sediments of Mandovi River Estuary: Indicators for mining pollution and high sea stand in Goa, India
(Coastal Education and Research Foundation, 2005)
Foraminiferal characteristics of 11 surface sediment samples collected from the Mandovi estuary during 2001 have been compared with similar data based on samples collected during 1994. The study reveals drastic fall in ...
High resolution climatic records of the past ~489 years from Central Asia as derived from benthic foraminiferal species, Asterorotalia trispinosa
(Elsevier, 2012)
Many researchers have reported the occurrence of the species Asterorotalia trispinosa as a major constituent in foraminiferal assemblages from different regions, its ecological significance has never been studied. The ...
Benthic ecological mapping of the Ayeyarwady delta shelf off Myanmar, using foraminiferal assemblages
(The Palaeontological Society of India, 2014)
Information on benthic ecologies is a prerequisite to evaluate marine resources, their management and monitoring the impact arising from their exploitation. In the present study, benthic foraminiferal distributions from ...
A foraminiferal testimony for the reduced adverse effects of mining in Zuari Estuary, Goa
(Taylor and Francis, 2005)
This paper demonstrates the potentiality of foraminifera in detecting mining pollution. Goa's Mandovi-Zuari estuarine complex is most vulnerable to deterioration caused by the mining industry. The objective of the present ...
A review of the studies on pteropods from the northern Indian Ocean A review of the studies on pteropods of the northern Indian Ocean region with a report on the pteropods of Irrawaddy continental shelf off Myanmar (Burma)
Ever since the Challenger Expedition the Indian Ocean pteropods have been recognized as important constituents of biogenic flux. Initially they were of interest only to biologists or the fishery departments and their ...
Application of foraminifers in ecotoxicology: Retrospect, perspect and prospect
(Elsevier, 2006)
In view of the extensive use of foraminifers for the pollution monitoring especially their unmatched utility in deciphering the temporal variation in the type and concentration of pollutants at a given location, the ...