Now showing items 1-3 of 3
COHERENS: A hydrodynamic model validated for the west coast of India
(Current Science Association, 2015)
COHERENS (COupled Hydrodynamical and Ecological model for REgioNal and Shelf seas), a 3D hydrodynamic multi-purpose model, has been implemented for the coastal and shelf seas of eastern Arabian Sea to study the flow ...
Recent studies on wind seas and swells in the Indian Ocean: A review
(SAGE Publications, 2013)
Winds and waves measured at a few locations along the west coast of India were analysed to study the wave characteristics in the deep as well as near shore regions during different seasons The potential generation of swells ...
Spectral analysis of wind field in the Indian Ocean
To study the variability in wind fields over the Indian Ocean, we used ERA INTERIM daily winds for the period 1979-2012 In order to analyse the temporal variation of wind field, we partitioned the whole Indian Ocean into ...