Now showing items 1-10 of 18
Flood estimation at ungauged catchments of western catchments of Karnataka, West coast of India
Many catchments in India are devoid of gauging stations. In the absence of measurements of stream flow, regional rainfall-runoff relationships developed over a hydro-meteorologically similar region may be used to estimate ...
Daily beach profiles and littoral environmental observations off Baga, Calangute and Miramar beaches during November-December 1999
(Goa: NIO, 2002)
This report presents the results of the field observations and theoretical studies on the coastal processes at Baga, Calangute and Miramar beaches along the North Goa coast, India. The field observations undertaken for a ...
Estimation of potential tidal energy along the west coast of India
(World Scientific, 2017)
Tidal energy is one of the clean and non-depleting renewable energy sources. In contrast to other clean sources, such as wind, solar, geothermal etc., tidal energy can be predicted for years ahead. Also, the medium, seawater, ...
Development of marine flyash concrete and evaluation of its performance with respect to physico-chemical and biological factors in marine environment
(National Institute of Oceanography, India, 2004)
The aim of the research was to develop flyash concrete and assess various factors controlling its durability in the marine environment. Hence the research was planned with the following objectives in mind: (1) Development ...
Evaluation of tidal stream energy at major tidal inlets of Goa, India
(Taylor & Francis, 2022)
An attempt has been made to identify promising sites for tidal stream energy assessment along the Goa coast on central west coast of India. A two-dimensional tidal-driven validated numerical model is used to assess the ...
Meso-scale foreshore evolution in low-energy, storm-dominated tropical west coast of India: Implications for shoreline management
(Springer, 2022)
Along the tropical coast, there is cyclic variation in wind, wave currents, water and sediment influx, and the coasts experience a monsoonal storm surge that reaches nearly 2-3 times higher than the rest of the year, and ...
Numerical Modelling of Bed Shear Stress in OpenFOAM
(Springer, Singapore, 2019)
In coastal zones, erosion is the major threat to the livelihood as it leads to the water inundation into the human premises. Sediment transport results in erosions causes morphological changes and also affects the coastal ...
Seasonal dynamics of adjoining tidal coastal inlet on east coast of India measurements and modelling
(IAHR-AIRH, 2014)
The opening and closure of coastal tidal inlets play a major role in regulating the water and sediment exchange between the river and ocean as well as in the interruption of the longshore sediment transport. The present ...
Tidal Energy Estimation of Potential Tidal Inlets Along the East Coast of India
(Springer, Singapore, 2019)
The power consumption is increasing with modernization of infrastructure and with the depleting fossil fuels. The need to look for alternate sources of energy generation has already reached a peak. The production of power ...