Now showing items 1-10 of 521
Cellular response of Brevibacterium casei #NIOSBA88 to arsenic and chromium- a proteomic approach
(Springer, 2020)
Cellular response against different heavy metal stress differs with the metal. Arsenic and chromium are heavy metals and toxic to living systems. The concentration of these metals in seawater is very low. However, due to ...
Impact of a large hydraulic barrage on the trace metals concentration in mesozooplankton in the Kochi backwaters, along the Southwest coast of India
(Elsevier Ltd, 2020)
This study delineates the impact of a man-made hydrological barrage [Thannermukkom barrage (TB)] on the concentration of selected trace metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb) in mesozooplankton from the Kochi backwaters ...
Progression of regeneration in demosponge Cinachyrella cf cavernosa based on wound location
(Springer, 2020)
In this study, the differential regeneration process in sponge Cinachyrella cf cavernosa (Lamarck, 1815) was examined by creating wounds at basal and apical tissues. The differences in wound healing were investigated based ...
Can the ecological status of three differentially impacted monsoonal tropical estuaries in NW India, be adequately assessed by a common estuarine benthic index?
(Elsevier B.V., 2020)
Effective management measures for improving rapidly deteriorating estuaries around the world are hugely dependent on accurate evaluation of the ecological status, which is a challenge in itself considering the Estuarine ...
Relevance of Relative Sea Surface Temperature for Tropical Rainfall Interannual Variability
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2020)
The coupling between sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies and rainfall is an important driver of tropical climate variability. Observations however reveal inconsistencies, such as decreased convective rainfall in regions ...
Prevalence of indicator and potential pathogenic bacterial groups in the Chapora bay-estuarine system, Goa, central west coast of India
(Springer, 2020)
This paper describes the prevalence of indicator and pathogenic bacterial groups in water and sediments in OSZ-offshore, ISZ-inshore, IEZ-inner estuary, and UEZ-upper estuary along the river Chapora, central west coast of ...
The hard corals (Scleractinia) of India: A revised checklist
(CSIR-NISCAIR, Newdelhi, 2020)
Persistence of coral reefs is threatened globally due to intensified human activities and ongoing climate change. Coral reefs in India are also suffering from acute stress events like mass coral bleaching and coastal ...
Significantly dominant warm-core eddies: An ecological indicator of the basin-scale low biological production in the Bay of Bengal
(Elsevier B.V., 2021)
This paper introduces the cumulative impact of cyclonic (cold-core) and anticyclonic (warm-core) eddies on the distribution of phytoplankton biomass in the Bay of Bengal (BoB). Estimations of the ocean surface eddy features ...
Variation in phytoplankton community and its implication to dimethylsulphide production at a coastal station off Goa, India
(Elsevier Ltd, 2020)
Seasonal hypoxia/suboxia (at times anoxia) towards the end of Southwest monsoon (SWM; June to September) at the coastal time series site off Goa, West coast of India was found to influence the dynamics of phytoplankton ...
Anomalous phase association of REE in ferromanganese crusts from Indian mid-oceanic ridges: Evidence for large scale dispersion of hydrothermal iron
(Elsevier B.V., 2020)
Ferromanganese crusts collected at selected locations along the ~7000 km long stretch of Carlsberg, Central Indian and Southwest Indian ridges are studied for bulk geochemical composition and distribution of rare earths ...