Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Some ciliates from the marine wood boring isopod Sphaeroma treubia
(Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, 1985)
Seven ectocommensalic ciliates, namely, Vorticella companula, Zoothamnium rigidum, Cothurnia gammari, Legenophrys cochinensis sp. nov., Epistylis gammari, Folliculina producta and Foliculina boltoni, all first-time recorded ...
Epizoic and ectoparasitic protozoans from crab larvae
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1986)
A suctorian, Ephelota gemmipara Hertwig, infesting the zoea of the peacrab, Porcellana and an ectoparasitic flagellate Ellobiopsis chattoni Caullery infecting the zoea of the crab were observed from off Cape Comorin, the ...
A Holotrichous ciliate from the coelom of Chaetognaths
(Current Science Association, 1986)
A holotrichous ciliate was observed from the body cavity of Chaetognaths Sagitta enflata and S. bedoti collected from the zooplankton samples at Cape Comorin and Tuticorin (Tamil Nadu, India). Species were examined for ...
Epizoic and ectoparasitic protozoans from planktonic copepods of the southwest and southeast coasts of India with the description of a new species
(Marine Biological Association of India, 1985)
The epizoic and the ectoparasitic protozoans were studied from the planktonic copepods of the southwest and southeast coasts of India. The species of protozoans viz. Trochilioides trivialis Fenchel, Zoothamnium adamsi ...
The effect of salinity on some endocommensalic ciliates from shipworms
(Society of Fisheries Technologists, 1985)
The ciliates, Nucleocorbula adherens, Boveria teredinidi, Trichodina balakrishnia, Thigmozoon fencheli and Nyctothereus marina, live inside the mantle cavity of the ship-worms in the estuaries and backwaters of the south-west ...
Observations on the parasites and associates of wood boring molluscs and crustaceans of the south-west coast of India
(Society of Fisheries Technologists, 1982)
The Protozoan Associates of some Crustaceans
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1980)
Protozoan associates found on the estuarine shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius) and the tanaidacean Apseudes chilkensis (Chilton) from Cochin backwaters have been described. A peritrich ciliate Zoothamnium rigidum ...
On the ellobiopsidae, parasitic protozoa from zooplankton
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1979)
The exposure of the host shipworm to external factors and its effects on the associated organisms
(Marine Biological Association of India, 1976)