Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Total mercury in water, sediments, and animals along the Indian Coast
(Elsevier, 1988)
Total mercury (Hg) in water, sediments and animals along the coast of India is estimated. Water samples were collected on board of R.V. Gaveshani.The zooplankton samples were collected by Indian Ocean Standard Net and Heron ...
MT Lajpatrai blow-out studies at Bombay harbour
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1988)
The area around the tanker MT Lajpatrai was monitored for oil pollution studies. Measurements were carried out on the concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons in water and sediment samples along with visual observations on ...
Persistence and fate of some organophosphorus pesticides in sea sediments along east coast of India
Stability and fate of pesticides, monocrotophos, phosphamidon and DDVP, were studied in sediment samples collected along the east coast of India pH, salinity and exchangeable cations present in sediments exhibited profound ...
Physical factors related to the marine disposal of industrial effluents off Pondicherry
(Scientific Publishers, 1984)
Field studies were carried out during February and April, 1981 to collect the environmental data on the physical characteristics of the coastal waters and the sea bottom off Pondicherry, required for the planning and design ...
Chlorinated pesticide residues in marine sediments
(Elsevier, 1988)
A number of organochlorine pesticides residues, aldrine, gamma BHC, dieldrine, and DDT were detected and quantified from the marine sediments collected along the east coast of India by gas chromatography using an electron ...
Chlorinated pesticide residues in sediments from the Arabian Sea along the Central West coast of India
(Springer, 1987)
Environmental contamination by persistent chlorinated pesticides has evoked major concern due to the presence of their residues in the environment. The quantitative distribution of chlorinated pesticides residues in the ...
Determination of petroleum hydrocarbons in sediment samples from Bombay harbour, Dharamtar creek and Amba river estuary
(Scientific Publishers, 1989)
The surface sediment samples were collected by van Veen grab sampler during premonsoon, monsoon and postmonsoon seasons from Bombay harbour, Dharamtar creek and Amba river estuary Moisture content of the samples ranges ...
Extractable organics in surface sediments from Thana creek and Bombay harbour
Considerable variations in hydrocarbon and fatty acid levels in surface sediments from Thana creek and Bombay harbour were observed Sediments from the westernside nearshore locations yielded higher values The residues were ...
DDT residues in sediments from the Bay of Bengal
(Springer, 1988)
DDT is one of the organochlorine compounds characterised by its stability for long periods in the environment leading to marked changes in the aquatic ecosystem. This work aims to assess the prevailing levels of DDT and ...
Heavy metals in Mindhola river estuary, India
(Elsevier, 1988)
The heavy metal concentrations are studied along the Mindhola river estuary. Surface and bottom water samples were collected using Niskin Sampler. The sediment samples were collected using a Van Veen grab. The heavy metal ...