Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Distribution of nutrients in the shelf waters of the Arabian sea along the west coast of India
(National Institute of Sciences of India, 1968)
The paper presents a descriptive account of the distribution of phosphates, silicates and nitrates in the shelf waters of Arabian Sea along the West Coast of India including a brief mention about the hydrographical features ...
Distribution of phosphates and silicates in the central western north Indian Ocean, in relation to some hydrographical factors
(National Institute of Sciences of India, 1968)
Specific alkalinity in the northern Indian Ocean during the south-west monsoon
(National Institute of Sciences of India, 1968)
Nutrients of the Cochin backwater in relation to environmental characteristics
(Springer, 1969)
The nutrient distribution of the Cochin Backwater was studied at 6 stations throughout the year The depth profiles of phosphorus (inorganic and organic), nitrogen (nitrate and nitrite) and silicon, showed a marked seasonal ...
Distribution of phosphorus in the marine sediments off the east coast of India
(National Institute of Sciences of India, 1968)
Sediment samples collected from the shelf and slope regions off the East Coast of India between "Swatch of no ground" in the north and Karaikal in the south, have been analysed for their total phosphorus content and its ...
Nutrients of the north-western Bay of Bengal
(National Institute of Sciences of India, 1968)
An incidence of very high phosphate concentrations in the waters around Andaman Islands
(Current Science Association, 1968)
Abnormally high concentrations of inorganic phosphates were encountered in the samples collected from the vicinity of the Andamans, during the cruises of INS kistna in September 1963, as a part of IIOE. Samples for analysis ...
Distribution of total phosphorus in the Bay of Bengal
(National Institute of Sciences of India, 1968)
The total phosphorus content in the sediment samples collected from different stations on the continental shelf along five sections normal to the coast near Bombay, Karwar, Mangalore, Cochin and Alleppey has been determined ...
Distribution of temperature and oxygen in the Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal during the monsoon season
(National Institute of Sciences of India, 1968)
Vertical distribution of oxygen in the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea during February-March 1963
(National Institute of Sciences of India, 1968)