Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Numerical simulation of wind wave surface profiles with tuned phase spectra
It is known that the phases of the individual harmonic components in a linear narrow band wave spectrum are uniformly random. It has been suggested by some workers that some sort of phase coupling and `locking' between the ...
Phase spectral composition of wind generated ocean surface waves
A study of the composition of the phase spectra of wind generated ocean surface waves is carried out using wave records collected employing a ship borne wave recorder. It is found that the raw phase spectral estimates could ...
Spectra and gross features of vertical temperature and salinity profiles off the central west coast of India
(India Meteorological Department, 1985)
Continuous vertical profiles of temperature and salinity recorded by a CTD-system from the continental slope and the continental rise off Goa, west coast of India, were used for delineating the gross statistical features ...
Wave spectra and statistics off Godavari during September-October 1980
(India Meteorological Department, 1984)
Effect of phase coupling on surface amplitude distribution of wind waves
Nonlinear features of wind generated surface waves are considered here to be caused by nonrandomness (non-Uniform) in the phase spectrum. Nonrandomness in recorded waves, if present, would be generally obscured within the ...
Power Spectra of Currents off Bombay
Current measurements were carried out using a recording current meter across the continental shelf off Bombay, Maharashtra, India at 4 stations from an anchored ship. Power spectra were computed for selected lengths of ...
Water Masses and General Hydrography along the West Coast of India during early March
Structure of water masses along the west coast of India from Bombay to Trivandrum has been studied through vertical sections of temperature, salinity and density during 3-17 March 1977. The Arabian Sea high salinity water ...
Physical characteristics of the Laccadive sea (Lakshadweep)
Vertical profiles of currents of the coastal waters between Navapur and Umbharat were analysed. Dynamic stability as well as the diffusion capacity of the water columns were estimated from the vertical distribution of ...
Wave characteristics of the Laccadive sea (Lakshadweep)