Now showing items 1-10 of 199
Bispectra of sea surface waves
(IIT Bombay, 1986)
A numerical wave prediction model dolphin: Theory and test results
This report gives the basic theory of ocean waves and ocean wave prediction and a description of the physical background and of tests of the wave hindcast model Dolphin
Surface temperature pattern of the Indian Ocean before summer monsoon
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1985)
The surface meteorological data collected during 1963 and 1964 indicate that the northward migration of the ITCZ is associated with a shift of the warm waters to the northern Indian Ocean. The warmer waters, found in the ...
Heat storage in the Andaman Sea
(India Meteorological Department, 1981)
Heat storage in the Andaman Sea in upper 20 m, where a strong halocline seems to inhibit vertical heat transport has been evaluated and discussed in relation to the other parameters of heat budget. Estimation of annual ...
Structure of the marine atmospheric boundary layer over central equatorial Indian Ocean during south west monsoon
(Goa: National Inst of Oceanography, 1987)
Characteristics of monsoon waves off Uran, west coast of India
Waves were measured off Uran in the Dharamtar creek (lat. 18 degrees 50 minutes and long. 72 degrees 55 minutes) during monsoon months from 26 June to 20 September 1984 using a Datawell wave rider buoy. The wave records ...
Numerical simulation of wind wave surface profiles with tuned phase spectra
It is known that the phases of the individual harmonic components in a linear narrow band wave spectrum are uniformly random. It has been suggested by some workers that some sort of phase coupling and `locking' between the ...