Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Seasonal variability of cyclone heat potential in the Bay of Bengal
(Kluwer Academic, 2004)
Monthly maps of cyclone heat potential (CHP) in the Bay of Bengal have been prepared by using Levitus climatological data set. Seasonal variability of CHP in the Bay of Bengal has been studied using the CTD data sets ...
Mean surface fields of heat budget components over the warm pool in the Bay of Bengal during post-monsoon season
(Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India, 1999)
Surface meteorological data collected onboard research vessels ORV Sagarkanya and Gaveshani during 1983-85 have been used in these studies. The analysis revealed that the Mean Sea surface temperature (SST was greater than ...
Influence of the monsoon trough on air-sea interaction in the head of the Bay of Bengal during the southwest monsoon of 1990 (monsoon trough boundary layer experiment - 90)
(Kluwer, 1997)
The analysis of 3-hourly time-series data on surface meteorological parameters collected at 20 degrees N, 89 degrees E in the head of the Bay of Bengal during the southwest monsoon period (18 August - 19 Spetember) of 1990 ...
Surface temperature pattern of the Indian Ocean before summer monsoon
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1985)
The surface meteorological data collected during 1963 and 1964 indicate that the northward migration of the ITCZ is associated with a shift of the warm waters to the northern Indian Ocean. The warmer waters, found in the ...
Circulation and watermass structure in the Central Arabian Sea during December 1982
After the cessation of the SW monsoon over Arabian Sea, the North Equatorial Current sets strongly and the low saline waters from the Bay of Bengal and the equatorial Indian Ocean penetrate into the Arabian Sea. This results ...
Upwelling and sinking along Visakhapatnam coast
Stability and stratification of the water over the shelf disappear as cold saline waters characteristic of 60 m depth rise to the surface during March. Tilting of isopycnals and offshore displacement of isohalines suggest ...
Exchange of fluxes across the air-sea interface during the onset phase of the southwest monsoon
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1985)
The fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat over the southwest coast of India for the period of 27th May-10th June, 1984 based on the surface meteorological data have been presented on the time scale. The latent heat ...
Studies on beach changes at Visakhapatnam
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1981)
Various factors controlling the coastal processes at 7.5 km long Visakhapatnam Beach were investigated in detail. Studies reveal that the depositional and erosional phases differ from place to place along this coast. Major ...
A Comparative Study of Vertical Stabilities in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal
(India Meteorological Department, 1981)
Stabilities in the upper 300 m in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal are computed and presented seasonwise. The water column in the Bay of Bengal is more strongly stratified than that in the Arabian Sea. These studies ...
Transport and potential vorticity in the Bay of Bengal during the southwest monsoon
(Andhra University, Visakhapatnam (India), 1996)
In the Bay of Bengal, the water transport and potential vorticity (PV) during the southwest monsoon are examined through the prevailing thermohaline and wind-driven circulation. The Indian Monsoon Current (IMC) and the ...