Now showing items 1-10 of 16
On the possible causes of the seasonal phytoplankton blooms along the southwest coast of India
Data collected off the southwest coast of India at the onset of the 1987 southwest monsoon season suggest that the commonly observed high concentrations of chlorophyll and rates of photosynthesis of the season may not be ...
Zooplankton characteristics of the coastal ecosystem off Bombay, India
(Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, 1998)
The nearshore waters of Bombay sustain a rich and diverse zooplankton fauna. Continuous observations for a period of 15 months indicated a variation from 0.4 to 19.9 mg C.m sup(3) (av. 4.3 mg C.m sup(-3)) in zooplankton ...
Seasonal patterns of phytoplankton biomass and productivity in a tropical estuarine complex (west coast of India)
(Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1989)
Phytoplankton cell numbers and chlorophyll a determinations were made during the premonsoon, monsoon and postmonsoon periods in the Mandovi-Zuari estuarine complex (west coast of India). Primary productivity estimates ...
Zooplankton studies in Visakhapatnam harbour and nearshore waters, east coast of India
Distribution of zooplankton biomass in the waters studied showed remarkable variations. The faunal composition was very diverse and the number of species present was more especially during late pre- and post-monsoon seasons ...
Oceanography of the northern Arabian Sea
(Elsevier, 1982)
The euphotic zone of the northern Arabian Sea ranges from 20-60 m with an average depth of about 40 m. Surface temperatures range from 22.5 to 28.5 degrees C, increasing from north to south. At 1000 m, the temperature is ...
Plankton Composition in two Estuaries of the Konkan coast during Premonsoon Season
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1981)
Plankton composition of the Shastri and the Kajvi estuaries of the Konkan Coast were studied during the premonsoon season. Phytoplankton constituents were more abundant at the mid and upper reaches in the former whereas ...
Plankton of the Narmada Estuary and Adjacent Creeks
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1981)
Phytoplankton pigments and abundance of zooplankton in the Narmada Estuary, Bukki Creek and Dahej Creek were studied from March to September, 1979. The river sustained an appreciable quantity of phytoplankton pigments with ...
Zooplankton ecology in the Mandovi-Zuari estuarine system of Goa, west coast of India
Seasonal variability in the physico-chemical features, zooplankton standing stock (biomass) and faunal composition in the Mandovi-Zuari estuarine system of Goa, India, during January to December 1990 were studied. ...
(JGOFS International Project Office, University of Bergen, Norway, 2002)
The Monsoonal impact on the deep ocean fluxes, organic carbon export into the ocean's interior, and the difference between the deep-sea organic carbon fluxes and sedimentary organic carbon burial rates in the Arabian Sea ...
Mesozooplankton of the Arabian Sea: Patterns influenced by seasons, upwelling, and oxygen concentrations
(Elsevier, 2005)
The intensive study of the Arabian Sea during the 1990s included mesozooplankton investigations by the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Germany and the United States. Several major discoveries resulted. First, ...