Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Watermass structure and current system in the equatorial western Indian Ocean during August, 1985
(Hamburg : Das Institut, 1987)
During the 17th cruise of ORV Sagar Kanya (3rd to 21st August, 1985), two meridional sections were occupied between 4 degrees N and 6 degrees n S in the equatorial Western Indian Ocean. The Dynamic Method was employed to ...
Spectra and gross features of vertical temperature and salinity profiles off the central west coast of India
(India Meteorological Department, 1985)
Continuous vertical profiles of temperature and salinity recorded by a CTD-system from the continental slope and the continental rise off Goa, west coast of India, were used for delineating the gross statistical features ...
Watermass structure in the Bay of Bengal
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1985)
The distributions of temperature, salinity thermosteric anomaly, density flux function and stability along 88 degrees E in the Bay of Bengal are presented. The surface salinities showed strong gradients both horizontally ...
Water characteristics and transport of the Antarctic circumpolar current in the Indian Ocean
(Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1988)
Geostrophic velocities are computed across meridians 37 degrees E and 105 degrees E using hydrographic data. The estimated mass transport is represented on a temperature - salinity diagram. The characteristics of the water ...
Proloculus size variation in Recent benthic foraminifera: Implications for paleoclimatic studies
(Elsevier, 1987)
Ratios of dimorphic (microspheric/megalospheric) forms of Foraminifera are affected by temperature and hence are useful in paleoclimatic studies. In some cases, however, it is not possible to distinguish between the dimorphic ...
Nearshore hydrography off Visakhapatnam, East coast of India, during winter
Based on hydrographic data and time series data of currents and temperature, the nearshore hydrographic structure during winter (November, 1981) has been studied to examine the possibility of discharging industrial effluents ...
Watermass structure in the western Indian Ocean: Part 1. Watermasses and their thermohaline indices
(India Meteorological Department, 1986)
The concept of "Indian Ocean Common Watermass" is introduced and its characteristics are defined. The temperature-salinity structures which would result when one, two or more watermasses of different temperature and salinity ...
Summer cooling of the Arabian sea - a review
(Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1985)
The summer cooling of the Arabian Sea has been reviewed in relation to the dynamic and thermodynamic processes. The differences in the quantum of cooling in the coastal regions have been attributed to the variations in the ...
Seasonal variability of the temperature field off the south-west coast of India
(Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1984)
The temperature field in the coastal region off south-west India exhibits a well marked annual cycle. Around March the isotherms develop an upward tilt near the coast. The magnitude of the tilt increases continuously till ...
Reproductive behaviour of benthic foraminifera: A key to palaeoclimate
(Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1988)
Many benthic foraminiferal species exhibit dimorphism associated with reproduction. The two resultant forms are known as microspheric and megalospheric forms. Culture studies, though limited in number, show that ratios of ...