Now showing items 201-206 of 206
Toxicity bioassay of urea on two fishes
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1974)
Environmental impact assessment of disposal of liquid waste through marine outfall - A case study
(Muzaffarnagar: Society of Biosciences, 1994)
Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of wastewaters and nature of anthropogenic pollutants entering coastal waters are discussed. Site spcific information and field data acquisition through planned studies for ...
Petroleum hydrocarbon concentration in selected species of fish and prawn form northwest coast of India
Concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons in 6 fish and prawn species sampled at 10 transects from Veraval to Ratnagiri were determined using alkali digestion and alumina column chromatography followed by fluorescence ...
Goa coast oil spill
(Elsevier, 1994)
Acute toxicity and effect of some petroleum hydrocarbon on the metabolic index in Etroplus suratensis
(Muzaffarnagar: Society of Biosciences, 1997)
Acute toxicity (LC@d50@@) and effect of some petroleum hydrocarbons (Toluene, Quinoline, Pyridine and Naphthalene) on the metabolic index (oxygen consumption rate) of an estuarine fish. @iEtroplus suratensis@@ is reported. ...
Hydrography and water quality of Bombay harbour
(Muzaffarnagar: Society of Biosciences, 1989)