Now showing items 21-30 of 190
Production of krill E. superba (Dana 1852) in the Antarctic waters
(Goa: National Inst of Oceanography, 1987)
Fungal parasites of the green alga Chaetomorpha media
(Inter Research, 1987)
Thraustochytrid fungi associated with marine algae
Many of the diatoms collected from Arabian Sea were found to harbour thraustochytrid fungi on them. The fungus was identified as Ulkenia visurgensis and it could be grown on pine pollen in seawater. The fungus never infected ...
Chytridium polysiphoniae - a fungal pathogen on the Red alga Centroceras clavulatum (C. Agardh) Montagne, from Goa
Centroceras clavulatum collected from rocky shores was found to harbour an epiphytic fungus identified as Chytridium polysiphoniae. Maximum infection of the host alga occurred during June-July 1984. Under laboratory ...
Monsoon regime in the Indian Ocean and zooplankton variability
(Unesco, 1986)
The monsoonal effects on zooplankton lead to characteristic zoogeographic patterns in the open ocean and coastal waters. The evaluation of zooplankton variability in the Indian Ocean is presented in three sections: the ...
Some ciliates from the marine wood boring isopod Sphaeroma treubia
(Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, 1985)
Seven ectocommensalic ciliates, namely, Vorticella companula, Zoothamnium rigidum, Cothurnia gammari, Legenophrys cochinensis sp. nov., Epistylis gammari, Folliculina producta and Foliculina boltoni, all first-time recorded ...
Sulfate reducing potential in an estuarine beach
Sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) and their activity (SRA) together with total anaerobic and aerobic bacterial flora were estimated during July 1982-April 1983 and July-August 1984 from 1, 3 and 5 cm depths using core samples. ...
Extracellular products of photosynthesis in a tropical environment
(Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1987)
Extracellular products in the Arabian Sea averaged 0.42 g/cm2/day and represented 35% of the total carbon fixed by phytoplankton. No seasonal changes are observed during the two seasons i.e. premonsoon (Jan-Feb) and onset ...
Effects of total solar eclipse on the behavioural and metabolic activities of tropical intertidal animals
(Trivandrum: University of Kerala, 1987)
To study the effects of total solar eclipse of 16th Feb. 1980, on the behaviour and metabolic activities of intertidal invertebrates - nematodes, gastropods and bivalves - having different habitat preference a set of ...
Epizoic and ectoparasitic protozoans from crab larvae
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1986)
A suctorian, Ephelota gemmipara Hertwig, infesting the zoea of the peacrab, Porcellana and an ectoparasitic flagellate Ellobiopsis chattoni Caullery infecting the zoea of the crab were observed from off Cape Comorin, the ...