Now showing items 31-40 of 174
Wave power potential at a few shallow-water locations around Indian coast
(Current Science Association, 2013)
Variations in nearshore wave power at four shallow water locations along the east and west coast of India are examined based on the measured wave data for one-year period. The study shows that along the west coast of India, ...
Waves in the nearshore waters of northern Arabian Sea during the summer monsoon
(Elsevier, 2011)
Waves at 15 m water depth in the northern Arabian Sea are measured during the summer monsoon for a period of 45 days and the characteristics are described. The significant wave height varied from 1.1 to 4.5 m with an average ...
Short-term observation of beach dynamics using cross-shore profiles and foreshore sediment
(Elsevier, 2012)
Cross-shore beach profiles and textural characteristics of foreshore sediment were analyzed for understanding an annual cycle of intertidal beach dynamics at Devbag, an Island sheltered estuarine coast. Cross-shore transects ...
Waves and currents in tide-dominated location off Dahej, Gulf of Khambhat, India
(Taylor & Francis, 2010)
Based on measurements of waves, currents, and tides off Dahej in the Gulf of Khambhat, hydrodynamics are studied. Estimated tidal constituents show that primary lunar semidiurnal constituent M2 was the strongest constituent, ...
Response of surface buoy moorings in steady and wave flows
(Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, 1992)
A numerical model has been developed to evaluate the dynamics of surface buoy mooring systems under wave and current loading. System tension response and variation of tension in the mooring line at various depths have been ...
Variability of the local wave regime and the wave-induced sediment transport along the Ganpatipule coast, eastern Arabian Sea
For planning coastal protection measures, information on nearshore waves and the wave-induced sediment transport rates are required. This study examines wave-induced longshore sediment transport (LST) rate considering three ...
Estimation of wave characteristics during hurricane in the Hoian area, central Vietnam
(National Institute of Oceanography, India, 2004)
The data of hurricanes crossed the coastline from 14 degree N to 17 degree N, in the vicinity of the Hoian coastline, from 1945 to 2003 were extracted from the National Weather Service, USA. The features such as velocity ...
Wave refraction and prediction of breaker parameters along the Kerala Coast, India
Numerical wave refraction study for the Kerala Coast has been carried out for waves representing southwest monsoon (June-September), northest monsoon (October-February) and fair weather period (February-May). Distribution ...
Wave characteristics off Visakhapatnam coast during a cyclone
(Indian Academy of Sciences, 2004)
Waves were measured using a directional waverider buoy off Visakhapatnam, east coast of India during the passage of a cyclone in November 1998. The maximum wave height observed during the passage was 5.74 m, whereas this ...
Regional Study of Changes in Wind Power in the Indian Shelf Seas over the Last 40 Years
(MDPI AG, 2020)
Wind power variations at two heights (the surface level and turbine hub level) were investigated at 20 locations in the shelf seas of India using hourly fifth generation European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ...