Now showing items 31-40 of 190
A Holotrichous ciliate from the coelom of Chaetognaths
(Current Science Association, 1986)
A holotrichous ciliate was observed from the body cavity of Chaetognaths Sagitta enflata and S. bedoti collected from the zooplankton samples at Cape Comorin and Tuticorin (Tamil Nadu, India). Species were examined for ...
Nitrogenous nutrients and primary production in a tropical oceanic environment
(Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science of the University of Miami, 1986)
Measurements of the concentrations of nitrogenous nutrients and primary production were made at 10 stations along 8 degrees N and 10 degrees N in the tropical oceanic Lakshadweep waters Inorganic nitrogen (NO3, NO2 and ...
Epizoic and ectoparasitic protozoans from planktonic copepods of the southwest and southeast coasts of India with the description of a new species
(Marine Biological Association of India, 1985)
The epizoic and the ectoparasitic protozoans were studied from the planktonic copepods of the southwest and southeast coasts of India. The species of protozoans viz. Trochilioides trivialis Fenchel, Zoothamnium adamsi ...
The effect of salinity on some endocommensalic ciliates from shipworms
(Society of Fisheries Technologists, 1985)
The ciliates, Nucleocorbula adherens, Boveria teredinidi, Trichodina balakrishnia, Thigmozoon fencheli and Nyctothereus marina, live inside the mantle cavity of the ship-worms in the estuaries and backwaters of the south-west ...
Climate of the northern Indian Ocean and associated productivity
(International Society for Tropical Ecology, 1985)
The climatic factors likely to influence the phytoplankton production in the northern Indian Ocean are examined. The major cause for the high productivity of the Arabian Sea is the nutrient enrichment of the euphotic zone ...
Population distribution of meiofauna in relation to some environmental features in a sandy intertidal region of Goa, west coast of India
Meiofauna population of Candolim beach mainly composed of nematoda (40.15), harpacticoida (30.75 per cent), turbellaria (23.35 per cent) and other groups which included polychaeta, bivalvia and mystacocardia. The maximum ...
Energy values of suspended detritus in Andaman Sea
Energy content of suspended detritus was determined in Andaman Sea waters during April-May 1988. The caloric content of suspended detritus ranged from 987 to 7040 cal. per gram dry wt with an average value of 5530 cal. per ...
Effect of environment on pigment ratios in Dunaliella spp. from the salt pans of Gujarat
(Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1989)
The effect of varying salinity and pH of the medium on growth and pigment ratios of Dunaliella cells in culture was studied. Cell growth was found to be optimal at pH 8 and at intermediate salt concentrations of 1-2 M NaCl. ...
Association of marine fungi on timber panels treated with perspectives
(New Delhi: Oxford & IBH, 1988)