Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Physical characteristics of the Laccadive sea (Lakshadweep)
Vertical profiles of currents of the coastal waters between Navapur and Umbharat were analysed. Dynamic stability as well as the diffusion capacity of the water columns were estimated from the vertical distribution of ...
Holocene limestones of part of the western continental shelf of India
(Geological Society of India, 1979)
Dredging on the western continental shelf of India has shown that the most common rock types outcropping on the irregular topography of the outer shelf (70-90 m) are algal limestones and shelly limestones containing ...
Physical characteristics of the waters and water masses off the west coast of India during late spring
Vertical profiles of currents of the coastal waters between Navapur and Umbharat were analysed. Dynamic stability as well as the diffusion capacity of the water columns were estimated from the vertical distribution of ...