Now showing items 1-10 of 39
Characteristics of monsoon waves off Uran, west coast of India
Waves were measured off Uran in the Dharamtar creek (lat. 18 degrees 50 minutes and long. 72 degrees 55 minutes) during monsoon months from 26 June to 20 September 1984 using a Datawell wave rider buoy. The wave records ...
Hydrography of the Wadge bank - premonsoon and monsoon seasons
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1989)
The hydrography of the Wadge Bank during premonsoon and monsoon seasons is presented. The thermocline slopes downward towards the central region. Upwelling is prominent in the entire region during monsoon and is observed ...
Surface temperature of the equatorial Pacific Ocean and the Indian rainfall
(Current Science Association, 1988)
The time variation of the monthly mean surface temperature of the equatorial Pacific Ocean during 1982-1987 has been studied in relation to summer monsoon rainfall over India The ENSO events of 1982 and 1987 were related ...
Apparent relationship between thermal regime in Antarctic waters and Indian summer monsoon
Austral winter seasonal and intra-seasonal variabilities of Sub-Tropical Convergence and Antarctic Polar Front are examined using sea surface temperature patterns published in GOSSTCOMP (Global Operational Sea Surface ...
Water and salt budget in the Azikode estuary during postmonsoon season
Computed values of flux showed that seaward Eulerian residual flow of water was the major factor influencing the salt and water budget in the Azikode Estuary. Depth integrated residual flow was seaward at all depths. ...
The heat and moisture budgets of the atmosphere over central equatorial Indian Ocean during summer monsoon
(India Meteorological Department, 1987)
The heat and moisture budgets of the atmosphere (surface to 100 mb) over the central equatorial Indian Ocean (2 degrees N to 2 degrees S; 76 degrees E to 80 degrees E) have been investigated utilising the surface and upper ...
Seasonal variation of the salinity in the Zuari estuary, Goa
(Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1987)
The annual salt budget of the Zuari is examined. The characteristics of the estuary differ markedly from the low run off season during November - May to the heavy run off period of the southwest monsoon from June to October. ...
Hydrographic characteristics of central Bay of Bengal waters during southwest monsoon of 1983
During cruises 120 and 124 of R V Gaveshani two sections, viz. Visakhapatnam - Port Blair and Madras - Port Blair, in Bay of Bengal have been covered twice. The sea surface temperature (SST) shows a decrease of about 2 ...
Circulation and watermass structure in the Central Arabian Sea during December 1982
After the cessation of the SW monsoon over Arabian Sea, the North Equatorial Current sets strongly and the low saline waters from the Bay of Bengal and the equatorial Indian Ocean penetrate into the Arabian Sea. This results ...
Upwelling and sinking along Visakhapatnam coast
Stability and stratification of the water over the shelf disappear as cold saline waters characteristic of 60 m depth rise to the surface during March. Tilting of isopycnals and offshore displacement of isohalines suggest ...