Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Circulation and Water Characteristics on Isanosteric surfaces in the Northern Arabian Sea during February-April
Distribution of water characteristics and circulation were studied on 260, 160, 140, 120 and 80 cl/t surfaces using isanosteric analysis and geostrophic computation The circulation pattern consisted of several eddies and ...
Coupling between SW monsoon-related surface and deep ocean processes as discerned from continuous particle flux measurements and correlated satellite data
(American Geophysical Union, 1996)
Particle flux data obtained by time series sediment traps deployed at water depths of approximately 3000 m in the western, central, and eastern Arabian Sea since 1986 were compared with wind speeds derived from measurements ...
Circulation and water masses of the Arabian Sea
(Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1994)
The circulation in the coastal region off Oman is driven mainly by local winds and there is no remotely driven western boundary current. Local wind-driving is also important to the coastal circulation off western India ...