Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • A roadmap to IndOOS-2: Better observations of the rapidly-warming Indian Ocean 

      Beal, L.M.; Vialard, J.; Roxy, M.K.; Li, J.; Andres, M.; Annamalai, H.; Feng, M.; Han, W.; Hood, R.; Lee, T.; Lengaigne, M.; Lumpkin, R.; Masumoto, Y.; McPhaden, M.J.; Ravichandran, M.; Shinoda, T.; Sloyan, B.M.; Strutton, P.G.; Subramanian, A.C.; Tozuka, T.; Ummenhofer, C.C.; Unnikrishnan, A.S.; Wiggert, J.; Yu, L.; Cheng, L.; Desbruyeres, D.G.; Parvathi, V. (American Meteorological Society, 2020)
      The Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS), established in 2006, is a multinational network of sustained oceanic measurements that underpin understanding and forecasting of weather and climate for the Indian Ocean region ...
    • A sustained ocean observing system in the indian ocean for climate related scientific knowledge and societal needs 

      Hermes, J.C.; Masumoto, Y.; Beal, L.M.; Roxy, M.K.; Vialard, J.; Andres, M.; Annamalai, H.; Behera, S.; DeAdamo, N.; Doi, T.; Feng, M.; Han, W.; Hardman-Mountford, N.; Hendon, H.; Hood, R.; Kido, S.; Lee, C.; Lee, T.; Lengaigne, M.; Li, J.; Lumpkin, R.; Navaneeth, K.N.; Milligan, B.; McPhaden, M.J.; Ravichandran, M.; Shinoda, T.; Singh, A.; Sloyan, B.; Strutton, P.G.; Subramanian, A.C.; Thurston, S.; Tozuka, T.; Ummenhofer, C.C.; Unnikrishnan, A.S.; Venkatesan, R.; Wang, D.; Wiggert, J.; Yu, L.; Yu, W. (2019)
      The Indian Ocean is warming faster than any of the global oceans and its climate is uniquely driven by the presence of a landmass at low latitudes, which causes monsoonal winds and reversing currents. The food, water, and ...
    • Modulation of the Ganges-Brahmaputra River Plume by the Indian Ocean Dipole and Eddies Inferred From Satellite Observations 

      Fournier, S.; Vialard, J.; Lengaigne, M.; Lee, T.; Gierach, M.M.; Chaitanya, A.V.S. (Wiley, 2017)
      The Bay of Bengal receives large amounts of freshwater from the Ganga?Brahmaputra (GB) river during the summer monsoon. The resulting upper?ocean freshening influences seasonal rainfall, cyclones, and biological productivity. ...
    • Ocean-atmosphere interactions during cyclone Nargis 

      McPhaden, M.J.; Foltz, G.R.; Lee, T.; Murty, V.S.N.; Ravichandran, M.; Vecchi, G.A.; Vialard, J.; Wiggert, J.D.; Yu, L. (American Geophysical Union, 2009)
      Cyclone Nargis (Figure 1a) made landfall in Myanmar (formerly Burma) on 2 May 2008 with sustained winds of approximately 210 kilometers per hour, equivalent to a category 3-4 hurricane. In addition, Nargis brought approximately ...
    • Upper ocean variability in the Bay of Bengal during the tropical cyclones Nargis and Laila 

      Maneesha, K.; Murty, V.S.N.; Ravichandran, M.; Lee, T.; Yu, W.; McPhaden, M.J. (Elsevier, 2012)
      Upper ocean variability at different stages in the evolution of the tropical cyclones Nargis and Laila is evaluated over the Bay of Bengal (BoB) during May 2008 and May 2010 respectively. Nargis initially developed on 24 ...