Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Application of Remote Sensing Techniques to study the Distribution of Mangroves along the Estuaries of Goa 

      Untawale, A.G.; Wafar, S.; Jagtap, T.G. (International Scientific Publications, 1982)
      Aerial photographs were used to study the distribution of mangroves in the estuaries of Goa during 1978-79. The total area covered by 7 estuaries in Goa including the major Mandovi - Zuari estuarine complex, is approximately ...
    • Aquaculture in mangrove ecosystems of India: State of art and prospects 

      Parulekar, A.H. (Kolhapur: Shivaji University, 1985)
      The mangrove vegetation spread over 0.35 million hactares accounts for less than 1/10th of the extensive coastal ecosystems of India. It's an experience that the coastal ecosystems which are intricately diverse are equally ...
    • Observations on the foliage production in some mangrove species of Goa 

      Wafar, S. (1985)
      Growth with respect to the shoot height, production of leaves, buds, flowers and fruits in Rhizophora mucronata and Kandelia rheedii of mangroves were studied for a period of thirteen months by tagging method. Growth in ...
    • Penaeid prawn population and fry resource in a mangrove swamp of Goa, India 

      Achuthankutty, C.T.; Nair, S.R.S. (1982)
      Penaeid prawns abundantly occur in the mangrove swamp during the premonsoon season. They are constituted by the commercial species, Penaeus merguiensis, Metapenaeus dobsoni and M. monoceros. Recruitment of the swamp takes ...
    • Status of mangrove research in India 

      Untawale, A.G. (Kolhapur: Shivaji University, 1986)
      Mangroves along the Indian coast are one of the most neglected living resources, which have been over exploited for various purposes. The total mangrove area along the Indian coast has been estimated tentatively to be ...
    • Structure and composition of the mangrove forest along the Goa coast 

      Jagtap, T.G. (Kolhapur: Shivaji University, 1986)
      Composition density and wood volume of the common mangroves along the Goa Coast, India has been studied. Factors like topography, geology, soil type, geomorphology, tides influences composition of the mangroves. 27 locations ...
    • Studies on littoral flora of Andaman Islands 

      Jagtap, T.G. (1985)
      Marine macrophytes of Andaman islands were qualitatively surveyed. In all 40 genera, 64 species of marine algae, 17 genera, 22 species of mangroves while 3 genera, 3 species of seagrasses are reported. There were 26 species ...
    • Studies on the associate flora in the mangrove environment of Goa, India 

      Jagtap, T.G. (Kolhapur: Shivaji University, 1986)
      Ecological observations have been made on marine algae and seagrasses from the mangrove environment of Goa, India. Plant samples along with thallus and rhizoides were collected from nine stations; viz. Mandovi (M1-M3), ...