Now showing items 11-20 of 69
Formation and spreading of Arabian Sea high-salinity water mass
(American Geophysical Union, 1999)
The formation and seasonal spreading of the Arabian Sea High-Salinity Water (ASHSW) mass were studied based on the monthly mean climatology of temperature and salinity in the Arabian Sea, north of the equator and west of ...
Seasonal variability of the vertical fluxes of Globigerina bulloides (D'Orbigny) in the northern Indian Ocean
(University of Hamburg, 1996)
Settling particles intercepted using time-series sediment traps at seven locations in the northern Indian Ocean have been examined for the spatial and temporal variability in the distribution and fluxes of Globigerina ...
Characteristics of coastal waters of the western Bay of Bengal during different monsoon seasons
(CSIRO, Australia, 1992)
Physical characteristics of waters along the eastern coast of India up to offshore distances of 400 km have been investigated during the seasons of the north-easterly and south-westerly monsoons in light of relevant observed ...
Spatial and temporal variations of carbonate content in the beach and nearshore environments off Goa, west coast of India
(NISCAIR, New Delhi, 1993)
Sediment samples collected from dunes, beaches (Calangute, Baina and Colva) and nearshore environments along the coast of Goa, have been analysed for their carbonate content. The results show the presence of very high ...
Seasonal variability in distribution and fluxes of methane in the Arabian Sea
(American Geophysical Union, 1998)
Methane, a biogeochemically important gas in Earth's atmosphere was measured in the water column and air in the Arabian Sea in different seasons, viz., northeast monsoon, intermonsoon, and southwest monsoon, as part of the ...
Lack of seasonal and geographic variation in mesozooplankton biomass in the Arabian Sea and its structure in the mixed layer
(Current Science Association, Bangalore, India, 1996)
Mesozooplankton standing stock, abundance and composition were studied during three seasons (summer, winter and inter-monsoon) from coastal and open ocean waters of the central and eastern Arabian Sea in 1994-95. Concentrations ...
Intermonsoonal equatorial jets
(NISCAIR, New Delhi, 1993)
Three transects each from the cruises of R V Pioneer (84 , 88 degrees and 92 degrees E) during May-June 1964 and R V Vityaz (77 , 84 degrees and 94 degrees E) during October-November 1962 were used to compare pre and ...
Community structure of meiobenthos from a tropical estuary
Meiofaunal samples were collected from 3 stations, located in the salinity gradient of Zuari Estuary of Goa. Spatially the abundance of meiofauna decreased from lower to upper reaches and followed the trend of salinity ...
Dynamics of circulation of the waters around India
(Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi (India), 1999)
During the last decade the understanding of dynamics of the large-scale seasonal coastal currents around India has markedly improved. However, a number of major issues concerning circulation on the shelf and in the estuaries ...
Ostracods of Andaman Sea
(Department of Ocean Development, New Delhi (India), 1996)
Distribution of 12 species of ostracods was studied from the waters around Andaman-Nicobar area. Euconchoecia aculeata was the most abundant species occurring mostly as swarms with a maximum density of 9732 specimens/1000 ...