Now showing items 1-10 of 252
Inputs from Indian rivers to the ocean: A synthesis
(Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, 1992)
Indian rivers contribute about 4% of the global annual discharge, of which the major rivers contribute 126 x 10 sup(10) m sup(3) y/1 to the Bay of Bengal which is approximately four times that to the Arabian Sea (29.7 x ...
Inorganic combined nitrogen budget of the Arabian Sea: Some geochemical and climatic implications
(Waseda University, Tokyo, 1992)
Estimates of the local sources and sinks of inorganic combined nitrogen in the Arabian Sea suggest a net loss of sup(-)3 x 10 sup(13) gN y sup(-1). This seems to be made up largely by the upward flux facilitatEd. by a high ...
Marine magnetic anomalies in the northeastern Arabian Sea
(Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, 1992)
Based on the analysis of some additional magnetic profiles, an updated correlation and identification of the sea-floor spreading type magnetic lineations in the northeastern Arabian Sea is presented. The anomaly 24 A-B ...
Primary production of tropical marine ecosystems
(Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1992)
Among tropical marine ecosystems estuaries are one of the highly productive areas and act as a nursery to large number of organisms. The primary production in most of the estuaries is less during the monsoon period. ...
Oceanographic evidences of the great floods in 2,000 and 1,500 BC documented in archaeological records
(Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi, 1992)
Based on the artifacts, a number of climatic changes in the past are documented in archaeological investigations which are reported to have been the causes for the rise and fall of human civilizations. The credibility of ...
Copepod composition along southwest and southeast coasts of India
(Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, 1992)
Two sets of samples, one from upper layer of thermocline to surface and second set from 500 m to surface were made. Copepod fauna from these collections were studied in relation to the hydrographical properties of the water ...
Antifouling property of the fruits of Randia brandisii (Rubiaceae) and Sapindus trifoliatus (Sapindaceae)
(NISCAIR, New Delhi, 1992)
Methanol extracts of fruits of Randia brandisii (Gamble) and Sapindus trifoliatus (Vah) were assessed for marine antifouling properties. The coatings of these crude extracts on aluminium coupons were found to inhibit ...
Reduced order ARMA spectral estimation of ocean waves
(Elsevier, 1992)