Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Bothid larvae (Pleuronectiformes-Pisces) of the Indian Ocean
(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, 1999)
The larvae of bothids were found to be sparsely distributed in the Indian Ocean, being only 7.6% in IIOE collections (1960-65) and 13.5% in FORV Sagar Sampada (1986-90) samples. They were confined mostly to the coastal ...
Ichthyoplankton from Andaman and Nicobar seas
(Department of Ocean Development, New Delhi (India), 1996)
Ichthyoplankton of the Andaman and NIcobar seas were studied for their spatial, seasonal and day and night variations from 357 zooplankton samples collected during 1986 to 1990. High density of fish larvae was encountered ...
Zooplankton standing and diversity in the Gulf of Kachchh with special reference to larvae of decapoda and pisces
Zooplankton characteristics of the Gulf of Kachchh including the major creek systems of Nakti, Kandla and Hansthal were studied for monsoon, postmonsoon and pre- monsoon periods. Zooplankton collections were made at 7 ...