Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Bothid larvae (Pleuronectiformes-Pisces) of the Indian Ocean
(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, 1999)
The larvae of bothids were found to be sparsely distributed in the Indian Ocean, being only 7.6% in IIOE collections (1960-65) and 13.5% in FORV Sagar Sampada (1986-90) samples. They were confined mostly to the coastal ...
Zooplankton variability and copepod assemblage in the coastal and estuarine waters of Goa along the central-west coast of India
(Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, 1998)
Seasonal variations in zooplankton distribution and community structure of copepod species in coastal and estuarine waters of Goa along the central-west coast of India are compared in relation to water temperature, salinity ...
Lack of seasonal and geographic variation in mesozooplankton biomass in the Arabian Sea and its structure in the mixed layer
(Current Science Association, Bangalore, India, 1996)
Mesozooplankton standing stock, abundance and composition were studied during three seasons (summer, winter and inter-monsoon) from coastal and open ocean waters of the central and eastern Arabian Sea in 1994-95. Concentrations ...
Community structure of meiobenthos from a tropical estuary
Meiofaunal samples were collected from 3 stations, located in the salinity gradient of Zuari Estuary of Goa. Spatially the abundance of meiofauna decreased from lower to upper reaches and followed the trend of salinity ...
On the possible causes of the seasonal phytoplankton blooms along the southwest coast of India
Data collected off the southwest coast of India at the onset of the 1987 southwest monsoon season suggest that the commonly observed high concentrations of chlorophyll and rates of photosynthesis of the season may not be ...
Phytoplankton characteristics in a polluted Bombay Harbour-Thana-Bassein creek estuarine complex
Annual variations in phytoplankton characteristics were studied from Bombay Harbour-Thana creek-Bassein creek (BHTCBC) estuarine confluence to assess the levels of pigment concentration, productivity and, qualitative and ...
Zooplankton biomass and potential fishery resources of the EEZ of India
(Omega Scientific, New Delhi, India, 1996)
An assessment of zooplankton biomass, secondary production and potential fishery resources of the EEZ of India was made from the data collected during a period of 15 years from 1976 to 1991. The areas studied included the ...
Zooplankton ecology in the Mandovi-Zuari estuarine system of Goa, west coast of India
Seasonal variability in the physico-chemical features, zooplankton standing stock (biomass) and faunal composition in the Mandovi-Zuari estuarine system of Goa, India, during January to December 1990 were studied. ...
Zooplankton community of Bhayandar and Thane salt pans around Bombay
(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, 1999)
The zooplankton community of the salt pans of Bhayandar and Thane was studied based on the contribution of microzooplankton and meso-macrozooplankton. Population of microzooplankton was about 4 times more in Bhayandar as ...
Zooplankton standing and diversity in the Gulf of Kachchh with special reference to larvae of decapoda and pisces
Zooplankton characteristics of the Gulf of Kachchh including the major creek systems of Nakti, Kandla and Hansthal were studied for monsoon, postmonsoon and pre- monsoon periods. Zooplankton collections were made at 7 ...