Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Estuarine response of fluoride - Investigations in Azhikode Estuary
(Kalpana Corporation, 1995)
Concentrations of fluoride in Azhikode estuarine region (Kerala, India) were measured as a function of chlorinity during the different seasons. The type of behaviour indicated that fluoride was regulated by sea water ...
Seasonal variability in distribution and fluxes of methane in the Arabian Sea
(American Geophysical Union, 1998)
Methane, a biogeochemically important gas in Earth's atmosphere was measured in the water column and air in the Arabian Sea in different seasons, viz., northeast monsoon, intermonsoon, and southwest monsoon, as part of the ...
T-S variability and volume transport in the central Bay of Bengal during southwest monsoon
The variability of temperature and salinity along 11 degrees N and 12 degrees N sections in the Bay of Bengal during southwest monsoon months (July-September) was found to be large in the upper 200 m west of 83 degrees E ...
Annual and interannual variation of precipitation over the tropical Indian Ocean
(American Geophysical Union, 1997)
The annual and interannual variability of precipitation over the tropical Indian Ocean is studied for the period June 1986 to December 1990 using the data retrieved from the Indian National Satellite (INSAT). The seasonal ...
On the possible causes of the seasonal phytoplankton blooms along the southwest coast of India
Data collected off the southwest coast of India at the onset of the 1987 southwest monsoon season suggest that the commonly observed high concentrations of chlorophyll and rates of photosynthesis of the season may not be ...
Zooplankton ecology in the Mandovi-Zuari estuarine system of Goa, west coast of India
Seasonal variability in the physico-chemical features, zooplankton standing stock (biomass) and faunal composition in the Mandovi-Zuari estuarine system of Goa, India, during January to December 1990 were studied. ...
Physical oceanography of the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea
(George Allen and Unwin. London, UK, 1996)
Physical oceanography of the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea is reviewed for the first time. All available information for over 50 years is consolidated in this review. To begin with, information on peripheral or related ...
Ecology of a heterotrichous ciliate Fabrea salina from salterns of Bombay Coast, India
(International Society for Tropical Ecology, 1994)
The abundance and population size structure of a heterotrichous ciliate @iFabrea salina@@, was studied in relation to hydrochemical and hydrobiological variables in three hypersaline ponds of Bombay, west coast of India ...
The oxygen minimum zone in the Arabian Sea during 1995
(Pergamon, 1999)
This paper focuses on the characteristics of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) as observed in the Arabian Sea over the complete monsoon cycle of 1995. Dissolved oxygen, nitrite, nitrate and density values are used to delineate ...
Seasonal changes in suspended particulate component in Bombay High oil field (Arabian Sea)
Investigation on the influence of seasonal changes in physico-chemical factors on particulate matter in the "Bombay High" region from February'85 to January'86 suggests that dominance of physical factors in monsoon largely ...