Now showing items 941-960 of 9252

    • Degradation of tarballs using associated bacterial consortia 

      Shinde, V.L.; Suneel, V.; Rathore, C.; Shenoy, B.D. (Springer, 2020)
      Tarballs are semi-solid blobs of crude-oil formed in marine environment. Microbial degradation of tarballs is poorly understood, though there are indications that tarball-associated microbes can degrade recalcitrant ...
    • Upper layer thermohaline structure of the Bay of Bengal during the 2013 northeast monsoon 

      Shroyer, E.L.; Gordon, A.L.; Jaeger, G.S.; Freilich, M.; Waterhouse, A.F.; Farrar, J.T.; Sarma, V.V.S.S.; Venkatesan, R.; Weller, R.A.; Moum, J.N.; Mahadevan, A. (Elsevier Ltd, 2020)
      The Bay of Bengal is forced by the South Asian monsoon and associated seasonally reversing winds and freshwater fluxes. Here, we summarize a high-resolution, basin-wide survey of the Bay of Bengal conducted during the 2013 ...
    • Vision Based Underwater Environment Analysis: A Novel Approach to Estimate Size of Coral Reefs 

      Maurya, A.; Govekar, R.; Maurya, P.; Chaterjee, A. (IEEE, 2019)
      The purpose of our work is to detect and estimate the size of underwater coral reef from image frames using vision based technique. Deep learning architecture is proposed to detect the coral reefs. To extract the frames ...
    • Application of 3D cell culture techniques in cosmeceutical research 

      Meena, S.N.; Mohandass, C. (Academic Press, Elsevier, London, 2019)
      Cosmetic products and their use are an integral part of daily life. People are well aware of the benefits as well as harmful effects associated with the use of synthetic cosmetic products. Therefore, in recent times there ...
    • Ancient ocean floor hidden beneath Bangladesh 

      Krishna, K.S.; Ismaiel, M.; Srinivas, K.; Saha, D. (Current Science Association, IAS, 2019)
      This is a short briefing related to research done related to the ocean floor hidden beneath Bangladesh . Earth scientists have been curious to know what kind of crust lies beneath this great thickness of sediments in ...
    • γ-Hydroxybutenolide Containing Marine Natural Products and Their Synthesis: A Review 

      Tilvi, S.; Khan, Safia; Majik, M.S. (Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., 2019)
      Gamma-Hydroxybutenolides (gamma-HB) is an important structural core found in many bioactive marine natural products (MNPS). The gamma-HB core containing NPS served as an inspiration to medicinal chemists to undertake ...
    • Seaweed resources in India - current status of diversity and cultivation: prospects and challenges 

      Meenakshisundaram, G.; Trivedi, N.; Gupta, V.; Madhav, S.V.; Reddy, C.R.; Levine, I.A. (De Gruyter, Germany, 2019)
      Seaweeds are an integral part of coastal ecosystems and offer invaluable ecosystem services supporting the life of many marine forms. The economic value of seaweeds significantly contributes to the sustainable development ...
    • Extreme Events 

      Lengaigne, M.; Feng, M.; Neetu, S.; Barbary, D.; Ramsay, H.A.; Vialard, J.; Walsh, K. (CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP), 2019)
      Extreme Events such as Tropical cyclones, Marine heat waves (MHW) etc has to be accurately observed. TC intensification is influenced by SST and upper ocean stratification, while MHWs are influenced by air-sea flux and ...
    • Structure and dynamics of undercurrents in the western boundary current of the Bay of Bengal 

      Francis, P.A.; Jithin, A.K.; Chatterjee, Abhisek; Mukherjee, Arnab; Shankar, D.; Vinayachandran, P.N.; Ramakrishna, S.S.V.S. (Springer, 2020)
      The structure and variability of undercurrents in the East India Coastal Current (EICC), which is the western boundary current system in the Bay of Bengal (BoB), and the mechanisms of their formation are examined in this ...
    • Preface to Special Section: Shipwrecks 

      Korisettar, R.; Tripati, S. (Current Science Association, IAS, 2019)
      This is a preface to the the wide coverage of shipwrecks included in the special section of the Vol 117 Issue no 10 of �Current Science�. Leading underwater archaeologists provided the developments in hydro-archaeology in ...
    • Observed variability of the East India Coastal Current on the continental slope during 2009-2018 

      Mukhopadhyay, S.; Shankar, D.; Aparna, S.G.; Mukherjee, A.; Fernando, V.; Kankonkar, A.; Khalap, S.; Satelkar, N.P.; Gaonkar, M.G.; Tari, A.P.; Khedekar, R.R.; Ghatkar, S. (Springer, 2020)
      We describe the variability of the East India Coastal Current (EICC) during 2009-2018 using data from ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profiler) moorings deployed on the continental slope in the western Bay of Bengal. The ...
    • Sulfidization processes in seasonally hypoxic shelf sediments: A study off the West coast of India 

      Fernandes, Svetlana; Mazumdar, A.; Peketi, A.; Anand, S.S.; Rengarajan, R.; Jose, A.; Manaskanya, A.; Carvalho, M.A.; Shetty, D. (Elsevier Ltd, 2020)
      Continental shelves are the major sites for organic carbon burial and sulfate reduction. Organic carbon degradation and sulfidization along continental shelves are expected to play a significant role in global carbon-sulfur-iron ...
    • Morphological and molecular evidence for first records and range extension of the Japanese seahorse, Hippocampus mohnikei (Bleeker 1853) in a bay-estuarine system of Goa, central west coast of India 

      Sanaye, S.V.; Khandeparker, R.; Sreepada, R.A.; Mamatha S.S.; Kankonkar, H.; Narvekar, J.; Gauthankar, M. (Public Library of Science, 2020)
      Accurate information of taxonomy and geographic range of seahorse species (genus Hippocampus) is the first step in preparing threat assessments and designing effective conservation measures. Here, we report first records ...
    • Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa 

      Wijayawardene, N.N.; Hyde, K.D.; Al-Ani, L.K.T.; Tedersoo, L.; Haelewaters, D.; Rajeshkumar, K.C.; Zhao, R.L.; Aptroot, A.; Leontyev, D.V; Saxena, R.K.; Tokarev, Y.S.; Dai, D.Q.; Letcher, P.M.; Stephenson, S.L.; Ertz, D.; Lumbsch, H.T.; Kukwa, M.; Issi, I.V; Madrid, H.; Phillips, A.J.L.; Selbmann, L.; Pfliegler, W.P.; Horvath, E.; Bensch, K.; Kirk, P.M.; Kolarikova, K.; Raja, H.A.; Radek, R.; Papp, V.; Dima, B.; Ma, J.; Malosso, E.; Takamatsu, S.; Rambold, G.; Gannibal, P.B.; Triebel, D.; Gautam, A.K.; Avasthi, S.; Suetrong, S.; Timdal, E.; Fryar, S.C.; Delgado, G.; Reblova, M.; Doilom, M.; Dolatabadi, S.; Pawlowska, J.; Humber, R.A.; Kodsueb, R.; Sanchez-Castro, I.; Goto, B.T.; Silva, D.K.A.; DeSouza, F.A.; Oehl, F.; DaSilva, G.A.; Silva, I.R.; Blaszkowski, J.; Jobim, K.; Maia, L.C.; Barbosa, F.R.; Fiuza, P.O.; Divakar, P.K.; Shenoy, B.D.; Castaneda-Ruiz, R.F.; Somrithipol, S.; Lateef, A.A.; Karunarathna, S.C.; Tibpromma, S.; Mortimer, P.E.; Wanasinghe, D.N.; Phookamsak, R.; Xu, J.; Wang, Y.; Tian, F.; Alvarado, P.; Li, D.W.; Kusan, I.; Matocec, N.; Maharachchikumbura, S.S.N.; Papizadeh, M.; Heredia, G.; Wartchow, F.; Bakhshi, M.; Boehm, E.; Youssef, N.; Hustad, V.P.; Lawrey, J.D.; Santiago, A.L.C.M.A.; Bezerra, J.D.P.; Souza-Motta, C.M.; Firmino, A.L.; Tian, Q.; Houbraken, J.; Hongsanan, S.; Tanaka, K.; Dissanayake, A.J.; Monteiro, J.S.; Grossart, H.P.; Suija, A.; Weerakoon, G.; Etayo, J.; Tsurykau, A.; Vazquez, V.; Mungai, P.; Damm, U.; Li, Q.R.; Zhang, H.; Boonmee, S.; Lu, Y.Z.; Becerra, A.G.; Kendrick, B.; Brearley, F.Q.; Motiejunaite, J.; Sharma, B.; Khare, R.; Gaikwad, Santosh; Wijesundara, D.S.A.; Tang, L.Z.; He, M.Q.; Flakus, A.; Rodriguez-Flakus, P.; Zhurbenko, M.P.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Stadler, M.; Bhat, D.J.; Liu, J.K.; Raza, M.; Jeewon, R.; Nassonova, E.S.; Prieto, M.; Jayalal, R.G.U.; Erdogdu, M.; Yurkov, A.; Schnittler, M.; Shchepin, O.N.; Novozhilov, Y.K.; Silva-Filho, A.G.S.; Liu, P.; Cavender, J.C.; Kang, Y.; Mohammad, S.; Zhang, L.F.; Xu, R.F.; Li, Y.M.; Dayarathne, M.C.; Ekanayaka, A.H.; Wen, T.C.; Deng, C.Y.; Pereira, O.L.; Navathe, S.; Hawksworth, D.L.; Fan, X.L.; Dissanayake, L.S.; Kuhnert, E.; Grossart, H.P.; Thines, M. (Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, 2020)
      This article provides an outline of the classification of the kingdom Fungi (including fossil fungi. i.e. dispersed spores, mycelia, sporophores, mycorrhizas). We treat 19 phyla of fungi. These are Aphelidiomycota, Ascomycota, ...
    • Metagenomic 16S rDNA amplicon data of microbial diversity and its predicted metabolic functions in the Southern Ocean (Antarctic) 

      Sadaiappan, B.; Kannan, S.; Palaniappan, S.; Manikkam, R.; Ramasamy, B.; Anilkumar, N.; Subramanian, M. (2020)
      Antarctica holds about 70% of all the freshwater on the planet in the form of ice. The seawater, it chills, affect the currents and temperature everywhere. Global warming risks the melting of the icecaps as it has already ...
    • Antimicrobial profiling of coral reef and sponge associated bacteria from southeast coast of India 

      Rajasabapathy, R.; Ghadi, S.C.; Manikandan, B.; Mohandass, C.; Surendran, A.; Dastager, S.G.; Meena, R.M.; James, R.A. (2020)
      Culturable bacteria associated with marine sponges and coral mucus (collected from Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay) were screened for their prospective antimicrobial compounds against 9 bacterial pathogens (Bacillus megaterium, ...
    • Response of microplankton size structure to summer stratification, freshwater influx and coastal upwelling in the Southeastern Arabian Sea 

      Karnan, C.; Jyothibabu, R.; Arunpandi, N.; Albin, K.J.; Parthasarathi, S.; SanthiKrishnan, S. (2020)
      A year-round FlowCAM-based study of micro-plankton (20-200 μm) size structure was conducted in several locations along a cross-shore transect off Kochi in the near-shore waters of the southeastern Arabian Sea (SEAS; along ...
    • Aliasing of the Indian Ocean externally-forced warming spatial pattern by internal climate variability 

      Gopika, S.; Izumo, T.; Vialard, J.; Lengaigne, M.; Suresh, I.; RameshKumar, M.R. (2020)
      Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) models project an inhomogeneous anthropogenic surface warming of the Indian Ocean by the end of the 21st century, with strongest warming in the Arabian Sea and Western equatorial ...
    • Phytoplankton chlorophyll-breakdown pathway: Implication in ecosystem assessment 

      Sathish, K.; Patil, J.S.; Anil, A.C. (2020)
      The chlorophyll-breakdown to pheophorbide is determined by biotic factors such as grazing (via chlorophyllide) or senescence (via pheophytin). So far, much of the information on chlorophyll-breakdown is available from ...
    • Influence of hypoxia on phosphorus cycling in Alappuzha mud banks, southwest coast of India 

      Mathew, D.; Gireeshkumar, T.R.; Balachandran, K.K.; Udayakrishnan, P.B.; Shameem, K.; Deepulal, P.M.; Nair, M.; Madhu, N.V.; Muraleedharan, K.R. (2020)
      The southwest coast of India is known to experience two concurrent processes during the southwest monsoon, namely coastal upwelling and mud banks at selected stretches such as that off Alappuzha. The mud bank sediments ...