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dc.contributor.authorGaur, A.S.
dc.contributor.authorTripati, S.
dc.identifier.citationRevealing India's past (recent trends in art and archaeology) Prof. Ajay Mitra Shastri commemoration volume, eds. Sharma, R.K.; Handa, D.Vol.1; 33-43p.
dc.description.abstractPoompuhar, a celebrated port town of Sangam period (300 BC to 400 AD) was the capital of famous Chola dynasty during early centuries of Christian Era. Onshore explorations brought to light a few brick structures and terracotta ring wells, besides a few early Chola period coins. Two brick structures and a few ring wells were also noticed in inter tidal zone. Offshore explorations have been carried for three seasons along the Poompuhar coast from inter tidal zone to 25 m water depths. Geophysical explorations have indicated various features between 5 to 10 m waters and 19 m and 23 m water depths. Diving operation in these brought to light a habitational remains opposite to the river Kaveri mouth and north of Poompuhar. A large number rolled pottery of historical period was also noticed. The stone structure in 23 m water depth is in U-shape and in front of this there are two small structures were also noticed. A detail discussion on the nature of these structures and uses have been discussed. A ship wreck also noticed in 19 m water depth where a large number of lead ingots were found.
dc.publisherAryan Books
dc.rightsCopyright [2005]. It is tried to respect the rights of the copyright holders to the best of the knowledge. If it is brought to our notice by copyright holder that the rights are voilated then the item would be withdrawn.
dc.subjectunderwater exploration
dc.subjectgeophysical exploration
dc.subjectship loses
dc.subjectwreck location
dc.titleUnderwater explorations of a Sangam period (300 BC-AD 400) port town at Poompuhar, east coast of India
dc.typeBook Chapter

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