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dc.contributor.authorVethamony, P.
dc.contributor.authorReddy, G.S.
dc.contributor.authorBabu, M.T.
dc.contributor.authorDesa, E.
dc.contributor.authorSudheesh, K.
dc.identifier.citationMarine environmental research, Vol.59; 519-532p.
dc.description.abstractA modeling study has been carried out to support a Marine Management Plan for the Gulf of Kachchh, India and here the hydrodynamic part of the programme is described. The hydrodynamic model accurately predicts the tides and tidal currents present in the Gulf and these have been validated with the measured data, albeit at only a few locations. The time averaged residual currents obtained from the model for one lunar cycle clearly reproduce the complex, small-scale, topographically induced flows with several eddies. The existence of a dynamic barrier along Sikka -Mundra section, which divides the Gulf into two distinct dynamic systems, is very evident. The model is further used to predict the movement of surface floating particles launched at different locations in the Gulf, as an aid to determining floating pollutants. The results indicate that industries discharging wastes upstream of the barrier should use extreme caution, as these will remain in the vicinity for at least one lunar cycle.
dc.rightsCopyright [2005]. It is tried to respect the rights of the copyright holders to the best of the knowledge. If it is brought to our notice by copyright holder that the rights are voilated then the item would be withdrawn.
dc.subjectoceanic eddies
dc.subjecttidal dynamics
dc.subjectindustrial wastes
dc.subjectmathematical models
dc.subjecttidal currents
dc.subjectenvironment management
dc.titleTidal eddies in a semi-enclosed basin: A model study
dc.typeJournal Article

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