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dc.contributor.authorJagtap, T.G.
dc.contributor.authorKomarpant, D.S.
dc.identifier.citationAssessment of climate change in India and mitigation policies, eds. Dash, S.K.; Rao P. 39-51p.
dc.description.abstractMangrove habitats of ecological and socio-economic significance, forms thrust area under coastal zone management programme of the country. Global warming is expected to result in the global sea level rise affecting various marine habitats in the low-lying regions. Mangrove ecosystems would be more vulnerable to the climatic changes, as directly influenced by tides. Mangroves are believed to keep pace with rising sea level by continuous sedimentation enriching the ambient environment with organic matter. Due to sea level rise the intertidal and supralittoral zones are likely to be extended farther inland causing destruction of existing mangroves and associated biota. The changes in the salinity concentration may cause genetic erosion as well as change in the species composition. There may be a total new assemblage of species in response to the changing salinity regime. Climate changes coupled with anthropogenic pressures and poor management practices may reduce productivity and loss of mangrove dependent biodiversity, adversely impacting ecological and socioeconomic benefits. The vulnerability of mangrove forest to the changing climate could be assessed by using time series data on a set of forestry parameters like area coverage, above ground biomass (AGB) stock, annual growth and increase in AGB, composition of flora and associate biota, land use pattern and sediment organic carbon. Unfortunately, such data for the mangroves of India do not exist. Considering the projection of climate change resulting in sea level rise, and vulnerability and adaptability of mangrove forest to these changes, it is very necessary to develop a national level programme to collect required data for Indian mangroves.
dc.publisherWorld Wide Fund for Nature-India
dc.rightsCopyright [2003]. It is tried to respect the rights of the copyright holders to the best of the knowledge. If it is brought to our notice that the rights are violated then the item would be withdrawn.
dc.subjectmangrove swamps
dc.subjectcoastal zone management
dc.subjectclimatic changes
dc.subjectsea level changes
dc.subjectenvironmental protection
dc.titleEvaluation of mangrove ecosystem of India for assessing its vulnerability to projected climatic changes
dc.typeBook Chapter

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