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dc.contributor.authorSreejith, K.M.
dc.contributor.authorKrishna, K.S.
dc.contributor.authorBansal, A.R.
dc.identifier.citationGeophysical Journal International, vol.175; 729-741p.
dc.description.abstractBathymetry, gravity and magnetic data (about 9200 l km) of the Comorin Ridge, north central Indian Ocean were investigated using the transfer function and forward model techniques to understand the mode of isostatic compensation and origin of the ridge. The ridge extends for about 500 km in NNW-SSE direction and associates with low-amplitude gravity anomalies ranging from 25 to 30 mGal compared to the ridge relief, suggesting that the anomalies are compensated at deeper depths. From Admittance analysis an Airy model or local compensation with an elastic plate thickness (T sub(e)) of about 3 km and crust thickness (t) of 15-20 km are suggested for the southern part of the Comorin Ridge (south of 5 degrees N), whereas for the northern part a flexural plate model with an elastic thickness of about 15 km is obtained. Admittance analysis together with the results from gravity forward modelling reveal that the south part was emplaced on relatively weak oceanic crust with both surface and subsurface loading, while the north part was emplaced on the continental crust. Based on present studies and published plate kinematic models we interpret that the Comorin Ridge was evolved at about 90 Ma during the rift stage of Madagascar from the southwest of India. We have also demarcated the continent-ocean boundary (COB) west of Sri Lanka and southern tip of India, which runs across the strike of the ridge, placing the northern part of the ridge on continent and southern part on oceanic crust. On the southern part of the ridge eastern flank is steep-faulted up to 0.6 km and is controlled by the 79 degrees E FZ and then by COB.
dc.publisherRoyal Astronomical Society
dc.rightsCopyright [2008]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.subjectgravity anomalies
dc.subjectcontinental margins
dc.subjectplate tectonics
dc.titleStructure and isostatic compensation of the Comorin Ridge, north central Indian Ocean
dc.typeJournal Article

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