Atoll mangroves and associated flora from Republic of Maldives, Indian Ocean
Coral islands from the Republic of Maldives were surveyed for their mangroves and feasibility of large scale mangrove afforestation to restore the coastal habitats and stabilize the shore. Extensive mangrove formations were observed from the islands of the north atolls. Male' atoll was totally devoid of mangroves due to their large scale reclamation mainly for urbanisation and tourism. Mangrove flora comprised of 12 species and was dominated by Bruguiera cylindrica followed by Lumnitzera racemosa, Ceriops tagal and Rhizophora mucronata. Many of these islands exhibited luxuriant and tall (7-20 m) forests of B. cylindrica with an average density of 7 trees 100 sq m sup(-1). Production and establishment of mangroves seedlings was observed to be very high in all the members of Rhizophoraceae, as well as in Avicennia marina. Associate mangrove flora was commonly represented by Thespesia populnea, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Pandanus spp., Pemphis acidula, Scaevola taccada and Tournefortia argentea. Pemphis acidula, was observed to act as a pioneer species on newly formed islands. Mangrove debris harboured 39 spp of manglicolous fungi. Reclamation of mangroves, has caused severe erosion at a few of the islands particularly in the Haa Dhaalu in the north. B. cylindrica is commercially exploited for fish sticks and wood for boat building and construction and cultivated on small scale. Islanders are well verged with plantation techniques and generally dense plantations particularly of B. cylindrica are practised in the intertidal swampy regions. There is good potential for developing mangrove nursery and afforestation, and aquaculture in the mangrove influenced environments
- Scholarly literature [9018]