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dc.contributor.authorChavan, V.S.
dc.contributor.authorJagtap, T.G.
dc.contributor.authorUntawale, A.G.
dc.identifier.citationISME mangrove ecosystems technical reports volume 5, ed. by: Vannucci, M. 1-15p.
dc.description.abstractAsia Pacific Mangrove Information Network (APMIN), its structure and scope, is discussed in this paper. Establishment of National Mangrove Information Centers (NMIC) in 20 Asia-Pacific countries, would contribute towards development of databases related to mangrove environments, which would lead to production of computerbased learning and awareness packages. These packages would greatly help in formulating strategies for the conservation and management of mangrove resources on a sustainable basis
dc.publisherInternational Society for Mangrove Ecosystems, Okinawa, Japan
dc.rightsCopyright [1999]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.subjectmangrove swamps
dc.subjectinformation centres
dc.subjectdata collections
dc.subjectresource conservation
dc.subjectresource management
dc.titleAsia Pacific Mangrove Information Network (APMIN): A conceptual model
dc.typeBook Chapter

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