Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Darwin core based data streamlining with digimus 2.0 

      Kakodkar, A.P.; Kerkar, S.S.; Varghese, N.S.; Kavlekar, D.P.; Achuthankutty, C.T. (University of Kansas, 2009)
      Cataloguing biological specimen is an important activity of biological museums world over. Software developed especially for this purpose has evolved over time to achieve more accuracy in retrieving data from large and ...
    • Molecular diversity of RelA enzyme in marine bacteria- A bioinformatics analysis 

      Nath, A.I.V.; Tresa, R.A.T.; Alornekar, A.; Varghese, N.S. (MD Publications, 2008)
      The RelA (relaxed) protein is a crucial protein related to unculturability in bacteria. In response to nutrient scarcity, most of the marine bacteria are known to enter a viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state, but remain ...