Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Environmental influences on the trawl catches in a bay-estuarine system of Goa, west coast of India 

      Ansari, Z.A.; Sreepada, R.A.; Dalal, S.G.; Ingole, B.S.; Chatterji, A. (Elsevier, 2003)
      The degree of relationship between trawl catch and environmental variables was assessed in a bay-estuarine system of Goa, west coast of India using multivariate techniques. The demersal fish assemblage was dominated by the ...
    • The larvae of decapods and fishes of Amba estuary, Maharashtra 

      Paulinose, V.T.; Devi, C.B.L.; Govindan, K.; Gajbhiye, S.N.; Nair, V.R. (Fishery Survey of India, 2004)
      Larvae of fishes and decapods found in zooplankton collections from two stations (Mankule and Patalganga) in Amba estuary adjoining Mumbai harbour were studied during 1989-90 covering three seasons. The percentage contributions ...