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dc.contributor.authorGauns, M.
dc.contributor.authorMohanraju, R.
dc.contributor.authorMadhupratap, M.
dc.identifier.citationCurrent Science, Vol.71; 874-877p.
dc.description.abstractNumerical abundance and composition of microzooplankton in the upper 200 m were studied from the central and eastern Arabian Sea during three seasons. Protozoans, comprising of ciliates (loricates and aloricates), flagellates and sarcodines were dominant, ranging from 55% to 91%. Among metazoans, nauplii and copepodite stages were common. Microzooplankton abundance was generally higher in the upper 100 m water column during all the three seasons. The column values were from 69,000 m sup(-2) to 188,000 m sup(-2) (inter-monsoon), 7350 m sup(-2) to 56,350 m sup(-2) (winter monsoon) and 10,800 m sup(-2) to 139,150 m sup(-2) (summer monsoon). Seasonal averages were 700 l sup(-1) , 130 l sup(-1) and 310 l sup(-1) respectively. A maximum of 5000 l sup(-1) was observed during summer at 5 m at a coastal station. Microzooplankton carbon in three different seasons ranged from a minimum of 4 mu g Cl sup(-1) during summer monsoon to a maximum of 36 mu g Cl sup(-1) during inter-monsoon and was higher than that of mesozooplankton. Peaks in population observed during intermonsoon season, when phytoplankton productivity was low and relatively high bacterial abundance was observed, indicated a microbial loop.
dc.publisherCurrent Science Association, Bangalore, India
dc.rightsCopyright [1996]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.titleStudies on the microzooplankton from the central and eastern Arabian Sea
dc.typeJournal Article

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