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dc.contributor.authorAshokKumar, K.
dc.contributor.authorDiwan, S.G.
dc.identifier.citationInternational Conference in Ocean Engineering COE '96, 17-20 Dec 1996. Proceedings, 226-230p.
dc.description.abstractInformation on directional waves is extremely important in the design of harbour structures, such as breakwaters and jetties and to study the sediment transport pattern. Till recent days our country has been using waverider buoys which give all wave parameters except the wave direction. Using the advanced technology, M/s Datawell bv, Netherlands, has developed directional waverider buoy which enables to measure the wave direction in addition to wave height and period. To augument this latest measurement technology, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa has procured such buoys in 1990 and during the subsequeny years, it has carried out directional wave measurement programme in Indian waters. This paper discusses regarding directional waverider buoy, receiving/ recording unit, NIO's experience in mooring, deployment and retrieval operations etc. The paper also highlights various operational problems during the data collection programme. Suggestions and conclusions pertaining to operation, maintenance etc., have been included.
dc.publisherAllied, Chennai (India)
dc.rightsCopyright [1996]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.subjectwave buoys
dc.subjectwave direction
dc.subjectport installations
dc.subjectsediment transport
dc.subjectwave height
dc.subjectmooring systems
dc.titleDirectional waverider buoy in Indian waters - Experiences of NIO
dc.typeConference Article

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