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dc.contributor.authorRamaiah, Neelam
dc.contributor.authorRamaiah, N.
dc.contributor.authorChandramohan, D.
dc.contributor.authorNair, V.R.
dc.identifier.citationEstuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol.40; 45-55p.
dc.description.abstractSome species of microbial heterotrophic communities (14C glucose uptake and respiration; viable nad total bacterial numbers) and autotrophic communities (primary production rate, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton cell counts and generic diversity) were studied from Bombay harbour-Thana creek-Bassein creek confluence. Extremely low microbial heterotrophic activity observed from the polluted zones of this confluence directly implied signs of environmental deterioration. Besides suggesting eutrophication, higher concentrations of chlorophyll a and primary production in the locations receiving industrial waste were also important as indicators of resistant phytoplankton communities. Low generic diversity indices and low rates of 14C glucose uptake by the natural microbial assemblages from the interior locations suggest a general deterioration of the biological processes. Results of this study highlight the deviation from the classical stimulation of heterotrophic activity previously reported for several eutrophic estuaries
dc.publisherAcademic Press
dc.rightsCopyright [1995]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.subjectheterotrophic organisms
dc.subjectprimary production
dc.subjectpollution effects
dc.subjectgenetic diversity
dc.subjectmicrobiological analysis
dc.subjectmicrobial contamination
dc.subjecttropical environment
dc.titleAutotrophic and heterotrophic characteristics in a polluted tropical estuarine complex
dc.typeJournal Article

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