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dc.contributor.authorNair, S.R.S.
dc.contributor.authorAchuthankutty, C.T.
dc.contributor.authorParulekar, A.H.
dc.identifier.citationProceedings of the National Seminar on Aquaculture Development in India - Problems and Prospects, 27-29 November, 1990, Ed. by: Natarajan, P.; Jayaprakas, V. 115-118p.
dc.description.abstractAn assessment of the stake net fishery in the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries of Goa revealed that Metapenaeus moyebi, a penaeid prawn hitherto rarely recorded in Indian waters, formed a good percentage of the estuarine prawn fishery of Goa. At one study point it formed as much as 30.77% of the stake net fishery. Also, 35.1% of the males caught were with fully developed spermatophores. Interestingly, females in maturity stages 3 and 4 were caught from one estuary. Our data shows that this species is not only of importance in the estuarine prawn fishery of Goa, but also suggests the possibility of this species attaining sexual maturity and spawning within this estuarine habitat
dc.publisherUniversity of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram
dc.rightsCopyright [1993]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.subjectsexual maturity
dc.subjectseasonal variations
dc.subjectMetapenaeus moyebi
dc.titleMaturation of Metapenaeus moyebi (Kishinouye) in Goa estuaries
dc.typeConference Article

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