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dc.contributor.authorIngole, B.S.
dc.contributor.authorParulekar, A.H.
dc.identifier.citationProceedings of the Indian National Science Academy (B: Biological Sciences), Vol.59(6); 589-600p.
dc.description.abstractTen freshwater lakes in the Schirmacher Oasis, Antarctica, with water temperature varying from 1.0 to 7.9 degrees; dissolved oxygen from 10.4 to 13.8 mg l/1 and pH from 7.6 to 8.8, were studied biologically during January-February of 1985 and 1987. The nutrient concentrations showed wide fluctuations with some lakes showing very low levels of nitrate and phosphate. the concentrations of dissolved and particulate carbohydrate indicated high organic matter content. Shallow water microfauna included seven taxonomic groups with minimum and maximum faunal density of 43 and 823 individuals in 10 cm/2 respectively was recorded from covered and uncovered sediments. Faunal density showed a strong correlation with organic carbon content and the sediment texture
dc.publisherIndian National Science Academy
dc.rightsCopyright [1993]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.subjectfreshwater lakes
dc.titleLimnology of freshwater lakes of Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica
dc.typeJournal Article

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