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dc.contributor.authorDalal, S.G.
dc.contributor.authorParulekar, A.H.
dc.identifier.citationOceanography of the Indian Ocean, Ed. by: Desai, B.N., 227-237p.
dc.description.abstractA critical review of the status of the Indian Ocean marine fisheries reveals that the presently exploited annual catch is less than one third of the projected potentials as estimated from the biological productivity and exploratory fishery survey data. Such a wide gap between the estimated potential and the harvested yield necessitates reassessment of the potential fishery resources. An attempt is made here, to examine the available potential fishery resources estimates against the background of the basic estimates from primary production; zooplankton-biomass and production; benthic and microbial production and the commonly used conversion efficiency at different trophic levels in relation to complexities of tropical marine food chain
dc.publisherOxford and IBH, New Delhi
dc.rightsCopyright [1992]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.titleTrophic dynamics and fishery potentials of the Indian Occean - critical assessment
dc.typeConference Article

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