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dc.contributor.authorGoswami, S.C.
dc.identifier.citationTropical ecosystems: Ecology and management, Ed. by: Singh, K.P.; Singh, J.S. 321-332p.
dc.description.abstractZooplankton community of the fringing mangroves along the upper reaches of Mandovi and Zuari estuaries, Goa, India was studied. The mangrove ecosystem is rather a harsh one for plankton owing to combination of periodic fluctuations and extremes of its physico-chemical parameters, water depth, turbidity, tidal amplitude and organic matter. Zooplankton standing stock (biomass) values in mangroves were low as compared to contiguous estuarine and neritic biotopes. Micro-zooplankton, crustaceans and fish larvae constituted bulk of zooplankton. Majority of these organisms were stragglers. The zooplankters showing better eco-physiological adaptations colonized in pools surroundEd. by thick mangroves vegetation
dc.publisherWiley Eastern, New Delhi
dc.rightsCopyright [1992]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.subjectmangrove swamps
dc.subjectbrackishwater environment
dc.titleZooplankton ecology of the mangrove habitats of Goa
dc.typeBook Chapter

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