Distribution of Oxycephalidae (Hyperiidea-Amphipoda) in the Indian Ocean- A statistical study
Statistical analysis of oxycephalids on coexistence of the species showed two clusters of high affinity in the Arabian Sea, four in the Bay of Bengal, one in the South East Indian Ocean and three in the South West Indian Ocean. Species occurring in the various clusters were found to tolerate similar environmental conditions. Variability explainEd. by the regression equations in the four regions were 57%, 18% 66%, and 23% respectively. Salinity was found to be relatively more important in controlling the species total abundance. H(S) and E distribution, indicates that there was high dominance of a few species in the four areas, leading to low species diversity. Significant seasonal variations in species composition was noticed in the SE and SW Indian Ocean during the NE monsoon and during the SW monsoon in the Arabian Sea and SW Indian Ocean
- Scholarly literature [9000]