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dc.contributor.authorNair, V.R.
dc.contributor.authorNagasawa, S.
dc.contributor.authorRamaiah, N.
dc.contributor.authorNemoto, T.
dc.identifier.citationIndian Journal of Marine Sciences, Vol.21; 296-299p.
dc.description.abstractSangitta bedoti dominated the chaetognath fauna of the nearshore waters of Bombay. S. bedoti from the polluted creek environments developed an unusually bulky collarette which extended from the neck to the seminal vesicles. Such extensive development of epidermal thickening probably serves as a protective sheath to withstand the unfavourable water quality
dc.publisherNISCAIR, New Delhi
dc.rightsCopyright [1992]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.titleUnusual thickening of collarette in Sagitta bedoti (Chaetognatha) from the polluted environments of Bombay coast
dc.typeJournal Article

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