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dc.contributor.authorRao, B.P.
dc.contributor.authorSadhuram, Y.
dc.identifier.citationPhysical processes in the Indian Seas. Proc. 1 convention of the ISPSO, 1990. Ed. by: Swamy, G.N., 1-5p.
dc.description.abstractHeat flux divergence (Qv) in the coastal waters of Visakhapatnam, Andhra, Pradesh, India during different seasons, was estimated for the period February 1980-January 1981. It is found that the water column (0-60 m) gains heat during winter in premonsoon seasons while it loses heat in the other seasons. The mean heat loss is found to be about 19.8 W/m super(2) annually. The magnitude of Qv is comparable with the net radiation at the sea surface (QR) during monsoon and post monsoon seasons, whereas Qv is 56.8% and 28.5% of QR during premonsoon and winter seasons respectively
dc.publisherIndian Society for Physical Sciences of the Oceans
dc.rightsCopyright [1992]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.titleSeasonal variability of heat flux divergence in the coastal waters of Visakhapatnam
dc.typeConference Article

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